One Up On Wall Street

One Up On Wall Street

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One Up On Wall Street: How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market

A prominent money manager, Peter Lynch proposes directions in plain words on how to invest in the long term by spending just a quick look on a company's financial statements. He offers advice for discovering "tenbaggers" — stocks that grow tenfold from the initial investment. A few tenbaggers will grow an average stock portfolio into a star performer. Peter Lynch offers guidelines for investing in cyclical, turnaround, and fast-growing companies. This seminal book has sold over one million copies and was a No.1 bestseller and a classic book of investment know-how.


Introduction to the Millennium Edition

Prologue: A Note from Ireland

Introduction: The Advantages of Dumb Money

PART I Preparing to Invest

1 The Making of a Stock Picker

2 The Wall Street Oxymorons

3 Is This Gambling, or What?

4 Passing the Mirror Test

5 Is This a Good Market? Please Don't Ask

PART II Picking Winners

6 Stalking the Tenbagger

7 I've Got It, I've Got It -- What Is It?

8 The Perfect Stock, What a Deal!

9 Stocks I'd Avoid

10 Earnings, Earnings, Earnings

11 The Two-Minute Drill

12 Getting the Facts

13 Some Famous Numbers

14 Rechecking the Story

15 The Final Checklist

PART III The Long-term View

16 Designing a Portfolio

17 The Best Time to Buy and Sell

18 The Twelve Silliest (and Most Dangerous) Things People Say About Stock Prices

19 Options, Futures, and Shorts

20 50,000 Frenchmen Can Be Wrong

Epilogue: Caught with My Pants Up

