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TradeStops offers a systematic approach to investing that allows individual investors to manage their portfolios with hedge fund-level insights. It creates web-based investment tools that help remove the guesswork, giving both novice investors and market veterans a disciplined way to make more from their investments while managing risk. Its proprietary algorithms help users decide what to buy, when to buy, when to sell, and how much to invest. Most importantly, its alerting system lets users when to act.


Sync your portfolios

TradeStops helps you analyze what to watch, what to buy, how much to buy, and what to avoid. Then, it monitors it daily for you.

Get alerts when it is time to take action

Based on its proprietary algorithms and your personal settings, TradeStops alerts you via text, email, and/or online when there is a change in your positions. 

Follow a disciplined strategy of when to act

TradeStops tools can help you follow a disciplined strategy in an effort to make smarter decisions based on proven data.

Calibrate returns

Aim for superior returns while lowering risk. Capitalize on more speculative investments while managing downside exposure.