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TradeStops is TradeSmith's flagship product that helps investors effectively and efficiently manage their investments. It offers advanced, algorithmically-driven investing tools and resources investors need to make smarter trading decisions with less risk. TradeStops offers a systematic way to invest that helps to remove the guesswork, and gives you a disciplined approach designed to help you make more from your investments while managing your risk. TradeStops pinpoints weak stocks faster, follows uptrends longer, keeps risk manageable in good and challenging market conditions.


  • TradeStops, TradeSmith's flagship investing tool, has helped the company emerge as a financial technology leader.

  • The service syncs your investment portfolios and tracks the overall health and performance of every stock you own.

  • The service teaches you to trade like an expert—maximizing your gains and keeping what you’ve earned – by taking emotion out of your investing process.


One of the most powerful features of TradeStops is the ability to synchronize your portfolios with a large number of online brokerage firms, making it easy to follow your investment portfolios on the TradeStops site.

Each position in your portfolio will have a Stock State Indicator (SSI) to reflect its status based on our algorithm – enter, exit, going up, going down or sideways.

  • Buying, Selling, and Holding. 

Don’t let fear of loss steer your decisions. TradeStopsVolatility Quotient (VQ) helps you avoid holding a stock too long or missing any moves up.

  • Set Up Alerts for Important Targets. 

One of the key components to managing the positions in your portfolios is the ability to get alerts, via text or email, when your stocks hit certain targets. And TradeStops lets you set up an almost infinite number of alert types.

  • Knowledge is Power(ful). 

TradeStops provides a wealth of proprietary tools and resources to help you gain a better understanding of the risks and opportunities in your portfolio