
Mark Boyar

Mark Boyar

Formal First Name

Mark Boyar is the Founder and Chairman of Boyar Research, Boyar Asset Management and Boyar Value Fund, firms specializing in investing in the equity securities of intrinsically undervalued companies. He began actively managing money in 1975 and launched Boyar Asset Management in 1983. Prior to coming to Wall Street in 1968, he served on the audit staff of PricewaterhouseCoopers. A successful money manager and flexible value investor, Mark speaks frequently on the valuation of corporate assets as well as stock selection. He has been interviewed and quoted regularly in financial publications, has appeared numerous times on the CNBC network, and was a guest on Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser. He also taught a course on mergers and acquisitions at The New School for Social Research.

Professional Experience

Academic History

Mark Boyar's Affiliations