Value Investing

Value Investing

Parent Strategy

An investment strategy that focuses on buying undervalued stocks that are underappreciated by investors and the market at large, Value Investing actively ferret out stocks from a quality company that are underestimated by other investors. Value investors use financial analysis, don't follow the herd, and are long-term investors of quality companies. Through fundamental analysis, value investors focus on buying with a margin of safety, doing detective work to find these secret sales on stocks and buying them at a discount compared to how the market values them. Intrinsic value is a combination of using financial analysis such as studying a company's financial performance, revenue, earnings, cash flow, and profit as well as fundamental factors, including the company's brand, business model, target market, and competitive advantage.




Intrinsic Value
Margin of Safety
Market Analysis
Price to Book Ratio (P/B)
Price to Earnings Ratio (P/E)
Undervalued Stock

Mentioned by the Following


Albright Capital
Alpha Architect
Aquamarine Capital
Arquitos Capital Management
Astellon Capital Partners
Barac Capital Management
Brandes Investment Partners
Brandywine Global Investment Management
Brightlight Capital
CarVal Investors
Casey Research
Clarendon Capital Management
Cruiser Capital Advisors
DM Capital
Davidson Kempner Capital Management
Davos Investment Group
Empire Financial Research
EnTrust Global
Fat Pitch Financials
Finbox Inc.
First Pacific Advisors
Forager Funds
Freeman Publications
Glennon Capital
Global Return Asset Management
Goehring & Rozencwajg Associates
Gotham Funds
Greenlight Capital
Greenwoods Asset Management
Greylock Capital Management
Investment Management Associates
J. Stern & Co.
Khaner Capital Management
Kirchner Group
L2 Capital Partners
MOI Global
Massif Capital
Mayar Capital®
Off the Chain Capital
Onex Credit
Pabrai Wagons Fund
Palm Valley Capital Management
Parnassus Investments
Pershing Square Capital Management
Phoenician Capital
Quintessential Capital Management
Rangeley Capital
Riverwater Partners
Rocklinc Investment Partners
Royce Investment Partners
Scion Asset Management
Silver Ring Value Partners
Southbank Investment Research
Stansberry Research
Third Point LLC
Tweedy Browne Company LLC
UBS O'Connor
VT Price Value Portfolio
Valuentum Securities
Vertex One Asset Management
Vintage Value Investing
Voss Capital
Wahdy Capital Management
Washington Crossing Advisors
Wide Moat Research
Willow Oak Asset Management
Wintergreen Advisers

Event Types

Crisis of Confidence


Abdulaziz Alnaim
Adam Peck
Adrian Day
Alan Fournier
Alex Green
Alexander Stahel
Amine Bouchentouf
Andrew Macken
André Perold
Andy Edstrom
Ari Paul
Ben Graham
Bill Ackman
Bill Miller
Bob Rodriguez
Brian Estes
Brian Hunsaker
Bruce Greenwald
Bryan Beach
Charles Brandes
Charles Mizrahi
Chris Browne
Chris Rossbach
Chuck Royce
Dan Ferris
Dan Loeb
Dave Levine
Dave Samra
David Gardner
David Abrams
David Einhorn
David Krejca
David Merkel
Ed Wachenheim III
Elliot Trexler
Eric Cinnamond
Evan Strain
Gabriel Grego
Gary Mishuris
George Jiang
George Silva
Guy Spier
Isuru Seneviratne
Jack Forehand
Jakub Rehor
Janet Lowe
Jeff Meyers
Jeffrey Tannenbaum
Jim Rogers
Jim Simons
Joel Greenblatt
John Del Vecchio
John Haskell
John Heins
John Mihaljevic
John Reese
Jon Boyar
Joseph Calandro Jr
Josh Young
Julian Robertson
Kai Wu
Kevin Caron
Larry Cunningham
Lee Cooperman
Lewis Johnson
Lloyd Khaner
Lyn Alden
Mario Gabelli
Mark Boyar
Michael Burry
Mike Alfred
Mohnish Pabrai
Nancy Tengler
Nick Giambruno
Paul Isaac
Peter Lynch
Phil Town
Porter Stansberry
Preston Pysh
Ralph Kruger
Richard Lawrence Jr.
Roger Montgomery
Roy Sebag
Ryan Morris
Seth Klarman
Steven Romick
Taesik Yoon
Tim Guinness
Tim Price
Tom Claugus
Victor Cunningham
Vitaliy Katsenelson
Walter Schloss
Warren Buffett
Wes Gray
Whitney Tilson


7 Secrets to Investing Like Warren Buffett
Active Value Investing
Alpha Investor
Analyst Academy
Applied Value Investing
BASICS: Getting Started in Equities
Benjamin Graham on Value Investing
Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders 1965 to 2018
Best Stocks Now! Premium
Brandes on Value
Charlie Munger
Classic Value Investors
Crisis Investing
Deep Value
Dividend Kings
Extreme Value
Forager Blog
Getting Started in Value Investing
Invest with the Fed
Investing 101
Investment Philosophies
Investor Amnesia
Margin of Safety
New Era Value Investing
Quantitative Value
Rule #1
Rule of 72
Saving Capitalism From Short Termism
Security Analysis
Security Analysis
Smarter Stock Picking
Stansberry Venture Value
Strategic Investment Newsletter
The 100 Best Stocks to Buy in 2020
The Acquirer's Multiple
The Aleph Blog
The Art of Value Investing
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Value Investing
The Dhandho Investor
The Education of a Value Investor
The Essays of Warren Buffett
The Handbook of Stable Value Investments
The Intelligent Investor
The Little Book That Still Beats the Market
The Little Book of Sideways Markets
The Little Book of Value Investing
The Manual of Ideas
The Prudent Speculator
The Rediscovered Benjamin Graham
The StockTwits Edge
The Triumph of Value Investing
Trade Like Warren Buffett
Trifecta Stocks
Validea's Guru Investor Blog
Value Investing
Value Investing Today
Value Investing Tools and Techniques
Value Investor’s Edge
Vintage Value Investing
Warren Buffett Accounting Book
Warren Buffett's Ground Rules
What's Behind The Numbers?


Deep Value Investing
Investment Strategy
Magic Formula Investing


Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA)

  • Value stocks tend to fall less than growth stocks during bear markets
  • Value stocks tend to outperform broader indexes and growth stocks over time