The Handbook of Stable Value Investments

The Handbook of Stable Value Investments


Stable value investments can be a crucial aspect of any financial manager's portfolio decisions-yet few books provide in-depth coverage of issues concerning their management, underwriting, and pricing. The Handbook of Stable Value Investments gives you comprehensive, specialized information on these investments that is available nowhere else.

Table of Contents


Contributing Authors

Section I. Introduction

  1. Introduction to the Stable Value Investment

  2. GIC Indices and Their Risk/Return Behavior

Section II. Stable Value Investments

  1. Traditional GICs

  2. Separate Account GICs

  3. The Evolving History of Insurance Separate Accounts

  4. Managing Synthetic GIC Portfolios

  5. Buy and Hold Synthetics

  6. Managed Synthetics

  7. The Evolution of Stable Value Pooled Funds

Section III. Stable Value Portfolio Management

  1. Stable Value Management

  2. A Plan Sponsor's Perspective on Managing Stable Value Separate Accounts: The DuPont Approach

Section IV. Credit Analysis

  1. Evolution in Evaluating Life Insurance Company Credit Quality

  2. GICs: A Life Insurance Credit Perspective

  3. Evaluating Wrap Provider Credit Risk in Synthetic GICs

Section V. Underwriting and Pricing Stable Value Risks

  1. Underwriting Stable Value Risks

  2. Pricing Stable Value Risks

Section VI. Legal/Regulatory Considerations

  1. Legal, Regulatory, and Accounting Issues

Section VII. Conclusion

  1. The Epilogue: The Future of Stable Value Investing
