

Accounting is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about economic entities such as businesses and corporations.


Ernst & Young
Essential Investment Partners
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Finance Scholar Group
GMT Research
KKOS Lawyers
Kaplan Professional
Keystone CPA
Lukka, Inc.
MetaMark Learning
Michele Cagan, CPA
Muddy Waters Research
North Cove Advisors
Plante Moran
Prescience Point Capital Management
Profit First Professionals
State Street
The Sharp Financial Group


A. Donahue Baker
Aaran Param
Adam Mead
Alain Mandy
Albert Meyer
Alex Chalekian
Amanda Han
Andrew Dym
Andrew Lo
Arne Alsin
Benjamin Reynolds
Benoit Descourtieux
Bert Schweizer
Bob Coleman
Bob Joannou
Carson Block
Charles Wheeler
Chris McHugh
Dan Amoss
Dan Zwirn
Darrell Mullis
Darren McCammon
Dava Ritchea
David Copeman
David Krejca
David Scarpello
David Zornitsky
Eric Kittner
Fahad Khalid
Francine McKenna
Frank Audia
Gavin McMaster
Glenn Koach
Greg Magadini
Greg Miller
Harold Trischman
Harsh Madhusudan
Hassan Bassiri
Henry Herms
Ian Dyer
Ivo Zhelev
J Mintzmyer
JD Henning
Jack Forehand
Jacqueline Willens
Jake Merl
Jeanine MacFadyen
Jeff Colin
Jeff Haas
Jeremy LaKosh
Jesse Mecham
Jim Berry
Joffre Lefevre
John Del Vecchio
John Hamburger
John Moorlach
Jon King
Josh Elwell
Jurgen Muhlhauser
Kate El-Hillow
Ken Boyd
Kent Gasaway
Larry Robbins
Lars Hoffmann
Marc Cohodes
Marc Levine
Marcus Frampton
Mark Vannoy
Marty Flanagan
Matthew Tuttle
Michael DeVito
Michael Herzog
Michele Cagan
Mike Angerthal
Mike Michalowicz
Mike Piper
Naufal Sanaullah
Patrick Hargreaves
Paul Ried
Pete Wargent
Pierre Rochard
Randy Swan
Rayne Steinberg
Richard Fisher
Richard Keers
Ricky Sandler
Rob Larity
Robert Breedlove
Robert Medd
Roberto Sallouti
Roddy Boyd
Sandra Kartt
Scott Seaman
Sean McGould
Stephan Livera
Steve Blumenthal
Steve Clapham
Steve Hollomon
Steve Strazza
Steven Maijoor
Ted Barac
Thomas Hugger
Tom Bruni
Tom Olinger
Wayne Cohen


Accounting 101
Accounting All-in-One For Dummies
Accounting Made Simple
Accounting and Tax Rules for Derivatives
Asset-Backed Securities
BASICS: Introduction to Accounting for Beginners
Bookkeeping All-in-One For Dummies
Bookkeeping For Dummies
Corporate Financial Distress
Cost Accounting For Dummies
Credit Derivatives
Credit Derivatives
Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting for High-Tech Companies
Financial Intelligence
Financial Stability
Financial Words You Should Know
Infectious Greed
Issuer Perspectives on Securitization
Learn to Earn
Managing Credit Risk
More Important Than Money
Profit First
Real Estate Terms
Securities Finance
Small Business Accounting
Streetwise Crash Course MBA
Swing Trading for Dummies
The Accounting Game
The Aleph Blog
The Basics of Understanding Financial Statements
The Complete CFO Handbook
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Accounting
The E-Myth Accountant
The Everything Accounting Book
The Match King
Warren Buffett Accounting Book
Winning at Active Management
You Got Screwed!


Short Focused Balance Sheet Analysis


Financial Economics
Forensic Accounting
Wealth Management

  • Also can be referred to as "accountancy"