Managing Credit Risk

Managing Credit Risk

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Managing Credit Risk: The Great Challenge for Global Financial Markets

Managing Credit Risk opens with a detailed discussion of today’s global credit markets—touching on everything from the emergence of hedge funds as major players to the growing influence of rating agencies. After gaining a firm understanding of these issues, you’ll be introduced to some of the most effective credit risk management tools, techniques, and vehicles currently available. If you need to keep up with the constant changes in the world of credit risk management, this book will show you how.

Praise for Managing Credit Risk

"Against a backdrop of radical industry evolution, the authors of Managing Credit Risk provide a concise and practical overview of these dramatic markets and technical developments in a book that has become a standard reference in the field."

Thomas C. Wilson, Chief Insurance Risk Officer, ING Group

"Managing Credit Risk is an outstanding intellectual achievement. The authors have provided investors with a comprehensive view of the state of credit analysis as the implications of the financial engineering revolution become fully revealed."

Martin S. Fridson, CFA, Chief Executive Officer, FridsonVision LLC

"This book provides a comprehensive review of credit risk management that should be compulsory reading for not only those who are responsible for such risk, but also for financial analysts and investors. An important addition to a significant subject."

Brian Ranson, Managing Director, Moody's Analytics

"This book straddles the vast landscape of the credit market, reflecting the major changes in the past decade, namely the commoditization of credit risk by sophisticated players, through the use of synthetic securities, securitization, and the application of advanced quantitative tools. I know of no other book on the subject with as comprehensive a coverage of this fast-growing field."

Sanjiv Das, Professor of Finance, Santa Clara University

"At just the right time, the authors of Managing Credit Risk give us an up-to-date and comprehensive look at the complex, internationally connected world of credit. The author illuminates the subject with depth and delivers it in a writing style that will stimulate rather than dull the brain for what could have been a very dry topic."

Barrett Burns, President and CEO, VantageScore Solutions LLC

"Managing Credit Risk lays out in clear terms the multiple innovations that we have seen in the credit markets including quantitative analysis of both consumer and corporate financing and portfolio management, securitization and structured financing, derivatives, and other tools. The authors, strongly and correctly, maintain that these innovations must be used by all originators and investors in credit assets in the context of a strong credit Risk management culture."

Philip Sherman, financial services industry consultant