Bob Coleman

Bob Coleman

Formal First Name
Robert (Bob)

Bob Coleman is the Founder and President of Idaho Armored Vaults, a global leader in protecting financial assets and private property outside the financial system. He is a distinguished and respected leader in the precious metals industry. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive solution for investing in physical gold and silver, Coleman established his firms to provide secure and comprehensive solutions for precious metal investment and storage, emphasizing transparency, risk mitigation, and client-focused service. Coleman has been in the investment and portfolio management business since 1992. Through many years of diligent research, he has developed a unique precious metals fund that targets specific concerns of individuals and institutions.


  • Coleman is a notable expert in the delivery and safe storage of precious metals

  • He oversees the entire operation of Idaho Armored Vaults, including managing its vaults, security systems, customer service, and investment services. 

  • He is an advocate  for secure storage of precious metals and other valuables, particularly outside the traditional financial system. 

  • He regularly analyzes market trends, offers insights on investment strategies, and educates clients about the benefits of owning physical gold and silver.



  • Coleman frequently speaks at conferences and appears in interviews discussing economic trends, precious metals markets, and the importance of asset protection.

  • He has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal regarding the importance of taking physical delivery of gold and silver

  • He has been a guest commentator on nationally syndicated radio programs regarding the economy and precious metals.

  • His distinguished articles have been published on numerous internet sites, such as,, and