Marc Cohodes

Marc Cohodes

Formal First Name

Marc Cohodes is one of the greatest and most feared short sellers in the world. A living legend among short sellers, he has investigated and brought down some major frauds in the past. Some of his famed battles are against the Belgian software developer Lernout & Hauspie and his campaign against the US mortgage lender NovaStar, which was later documented as a case study by Harvard Business School. He is also a renowned mentor in the art of short selling, offering  his perspective on the discipline, temperament required, and the intellectual rewards of this career. After making a name for himself as a General Partner at hedge fund Rocker Partners around the Dot Com Boom and Bust, he has dedicated himself to running his own money, and finding and exposing frauds.



  • Don't get involved in something you can't explain to a 10th grader with a single paragraph.

  • Don't get into biotech, dreamy, or pie in the sky.

  • Look for shi**y companies, frauds, criminals, bad actors, charlatans, something stupid, career misfits.

  • Don't look unless you think you can make a 60-90% return.

  • Look for many ways to win—not just one.

  • Don't short anything 'legitimate companies'. A good acid test for 'legitness' is if people would miss that company if it wasn't here tomorrow.

  • Don't short the big overvalued tech firms like Facebook, Amazon, Google, Netflix, etc.

  • Legit companies use stock to finance their business. Bad companies try to create a stock and then the business second.