The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston is one of twelve banks comprising the Federal Reserve System of the United States. It is a leader in financial regulation, monetary policy, and a pioneer of new payment strategies. The Boston Fed has pioneered state-of-the-art payment methods, developed cutting-edge data security programs, and conducted extensive research to assist in policy directives from the Federal Government.
Associated People
2007 - present
2020 - 2023
1977 - 1981
1969 - 1971
The Boston Fed participates in U.S. monetary policymaking and conducts data-intensive research and analysis on a wide range of economic, financial, and behavioral topics.
The Boston Fed supervises banks that are state-chartered members of the Federal Reserve System in the First District, bank holding companies, insurance-focused savings and loan holding companies, and also certain large insurance companies.
The Boston Fed conducts research and convenes experts to support the continued evolution of the payments system and underlying technologies and standards. It provides certain cutting-edge financial services for the U.S. Treasury.
The Boston Fed works on issues affecting low- and moderate-income individuals and families, including in New England’s postindustrial cities, and supports efforts to promote household financial stability.