Monetary Policy

Monetary Policy

Monetary Policy refers to the actions undertaken by a nation’s central bank to control money supply to achieve macroeconomic goals that promote sustainable economic growth. Generally classified as either expansionary or contractionary, Money Policy is utilized to achieve objectives including inflation, consumption, growth and liquidity. It has a great influence on the economic activity by manipulating the supplies of money and credit, and by altering these interests, by including tools such as open market operations, direct lending to banks, bank reserve requirements, unconventional emergency lending programs, and managing market expectations. The three objectives of monetary policy are controlling inflation, managing employment levels, and maintaining long term interest rates.

Entity Types

Central Bank


Economic Growth
Interest Rate

Mentioned by the Following


Baltimore Sun
Bank of Israel
Bianco Research LLC
C.D. Howe Institute
Deutsche Bundesbank
Employ America
Enodo Economics
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Haidar Capital Management
Ironsides Macroeconomics
Jefferson Financial
King World News
Macro Hive
Macro Intelligence 2 Partners
Mercatus Center
Minack Advisors
Monetary Authority of Singapore
New Orleans Investment Conference
Peterson Institute for International Economics
Quill Intelligence
Sahm Consulting
Wall Street Daily


Dirty Float Era
Federal Reserve Act of 1913
Glass-Steagall Act
Panic of 1907


Adam Posen
Alan Greenspan
Allison Schrager
Anna Wong
Axel Merk
Barry Eichengreen
Ben Bernanke
Benjamin Friedman
Bill Nelson
Brad DeLong
Caitlin Long
Caleb Franzen
Charles Goodhart
Christopher Dembik
Claudia Sahm
Claudio Borio
Daniel Drezner
Daniel Lacalle
Danielle Booth
Dario Perkins
David Andolfatto
David Kotok
Dennis Lockhart
Dominique Dwor-Frécaut
E.J. Antoni
Eric Rosengren
Felix Zulauf
Freya Beamish
Gerard Minack
Greg Mankiw
Ira Walker
Jeff Snider
Jens Nordvig
Jessica Rabe
Jim Bianco
John Cochrane
John Taylor
Joseph Wang
Judy Shelton
Keith Weiner
Kenneth Rogoff
Kevin Warsh
Lacy Hunt
Lev Menand
Lucrezia Reichlin
Lyn Alden
Magdalena Polan
Manmohan Singh
Marc Chandler
Mark Dow
Mark Zandi
Martin Wolf
Megan Greene
Mervyn King
Neil Shearing
Nomi Prins
Nouriel Roubini
Oliver Harvey
Patrick Perret-Green
Paul Tucker
Pedro da Costa
Perianne Boring
Renè Aninao
Richard Werner
Robert Johnson
Rohan Grey
Saifedean Ammous
Sean Fieler
Simon Bowmaker
Simon Potter
Skanda Amarnath
Srinivas Thiruvadanthai
Thomas Philippon
Tom Hoenig
Trey Reik
Wade Pfau
Warren Mosler
Weston Nakamura
Will Denyer


Money and the Coming World Order
The Weekly Quill
After Normal
Austrian Economics, Money and Finance
Bull and Bust Report
Central Banking 101
Code Red
Economist on Wall Street
Ending Poverty
Eurodollar University
Factions and Finance in China
Foundations Of Financial Markets and Institutions
Grant's Interest Rate Observer
Inflation Targeting
Less Than Zero
Life in the Financial Markets
Macro Watch
Mindful Money
Naked Money
Political Cycles and the Macroeconomy
Princes of the Yen
Restoring Japan's Economic Growth
Soft Currency Economics II
The All-Around Investor
The Anti‑Bubbles
The Basics of Finance
The End of Freedom
The Fall of the Euro
The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis
The Last Dollar
The Long-Term Investor
The One Thing
The Other Half of Macroeconomics and the Fate of Globalization
The Theory of Money and Credit
The Ultimate Stock Trading Course
World Commodities and World Currency


Quantitative Easing
Treasury General Account

Monetary Policy Includes:

Monetary Policy Can Also Cause Boom and Bust Cycles

  • Cheap money can cause inflated asset prices that will enentually pop.
  • Central Banks can prop up bubble for a long time, but they must pop
  • Ludwig Von Mises postulated that all booms generated by monetary and credit expansion will eventually bust