Christopher Dembik

Christopher Dembik

Formal First Name

Christopher Dembik is the Director and Head of Macroeconomic Research at Saxo Bank, a leading fintech specialist in global capital markets. In his role, Christopher focuses on delivering analyses of monetary policies and global macroeconomic trends as defined by fundamentals, market sentiment, and technical analysis. In addition, he delivers macroeconomic developments to institutional and high net worth retail clients located in Europe and in MENA. His research involves the evolution of growth and monetary policy with a strong focus on China’s economic trends, and has also developed various models based on the flow of credit, consumer stress and liquidity evolution. Christopher is member of the French Society of Political Economy and member of the Board of Advisors of FinanceMalta, the public-private organization set up to promote Malta’s as an international Financial Center. He is also a member of the Society for Political Economy and collaborates with the think-tank Center for Social and Economic Research, based in Warsaw. Additionally, Christopher is the author of two books, “The Great Contemporary Economic Debates” and “The Money,” in which he focuses on the emergence of virtual currencies.

Professional Experience



  • Christopher is an economist, and Head of Economic Research for Saxo and its subsidiaries.

  • He writes Saxo Bank's Monthly Macro Outlook, which has a strong focus on monetary policies. 

  • Previously, he worked as an economist for the firm's Paris office, as an analyst for an Israeli financial start-up and for the French Treasury.


  • 2019 Refinitiv Most Accurate Forecaster in Economic Indicators for Germany

  • 2015 Thomson Reuters StarMine Awards


  • Christopher is a skilled analyst, who has been frequently quoted by international news media.

  • He is a regular commentator and frequent speaker at international events, such as the COP22, Krynica Economic Forum, and the Paris Global Conference.

  • He is often quoted in the news media such as Bloomberg, TF1, and Newsweek.

  • He regularly publishes outlooks on the French and Polish economies.