Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis uses historical data and mathematical calculations and indicators to reveal how markets/companies are currently preforming and to predict future price behavior


Bollinger Bands

Mentioned by the Following


All Star Charts
Assured Capital Partners
BETA Group
BK Asset Management
Bendio AG
CMT Association
Clearview Trading Advisors Inc
Cornerstone Macro
Corriente Advisors
DeMark Analytics
Diversified Trading Institute
EW Forecast
Elliottwave Forecast
Essex Investment Management
Explosive Options
Fairlead Strategies
Forex Analytix
Glenn Williams Jr LLC
Henning Financial Services
Intermarket Strategy Ltd
InvesTech Research
Lowry Research Corporation
ML Newton Advisors
Macro Intelligence 2 Partners
Milton Berg Advisors
Momentum Structural Analysis
Ned Davis Research Group
Options Insight
Phoenix Capital Research
Pivot Analytics
RW Advisory
Ready Set Crypto
Schaeffer's Investment Research
Shukr Investments
Sierra Alpha Research
Spectrum Asset Management
Stack Financial Management
Strategas Securities
Taipan Trading & Investments
Tallbacken Capital Advisors
Talon Advisors
The Arora Report
The Blue Collar Investor
The Technical Traders
TriBeCa Trade Group
Verified Investing
Wealth Builders Institute
Wolfe Research
i10 Research


Aaron Uitenbroek
Adam Grimes
Adam Mesh
Adam O'Dell
Aksel Kibar
Alan Shaw
Alex Saunders
Amelia Bourdeau
Andrea Gentilini
Andreas Clenow
Andrew Aziz
Andrés Trujillo Renzi
Anna Coulling
Ari Wald
Art Hogan
Ashraf Laidi
Ashwath Balakrishnan
Benoit Bosc
Bernie Schaeffer
Bert Dohmen
Bill Poulos
Bill Strazzullo
Blake Morrow
Bob Farrell
Bob Iaccino
Bob Lang
Boris Schlossberg
Brannigan Barrett
Brent Donnelly
Bret Kenwell
Brett Steenbarger
Brian Shannon
Brian Whitmer
CTO Larsson
Caleb Franzen
Carley Garner
Charlie Morris
Chase Taylor
Checkmate Bitcoiner
Chris Berry
Chris Blasi
Chris Carolan
Chris Johnson
Chris Vermeulen
Chris Verrone
Chris Weston
Christopher Dembik
Courtney Smith
Craig Johnson
D.R. Barton
Dan Passarelli
Dan Russo
Dave Floyd
Dave The Wave
David Keller
David Truffelman
Deepak Shenoy
Denise Shull
Dick Dickson
Doug Busch
Eddie Mendel
Elliott Allswang
Faris Sleem
Felix Hartmann
Francis Hunt
Frank Cappelleri
Galen Burghardt
Gareth Soloway
Garrett Patten
Geo Chen
George Brod
George Leong
George Pruitt
Glenn Williams Jr
Greg Di Prisco
Greg Diamond
Greg Weldon
Grega Horvat
Guy Cerundolo
Helene Meisler
Imran Lakha
Indrazith Shantharaj
Ivo Zhelev
Jack Schwager
James Cox
James Stack
James Turk
Jamie Coutts
Jared Dillian
Jasmina Hasanhodzic
Jason Bond
Jason Goepfert
Jason Hamlin
Jason Leibowitz
Jason Raznick
Jay Soloff
Jeff Fischer
Jeff Kennedy
Jeff Kilburg
Jeff Marcus
Jeff Weiss
Jeff deGraaf
Jeffrey Hirsch
Jeffrey Spotts
Jerremy Newsome
Joe Fahmy
Joe Perry
John Carter
John DiCecco
John Kolovos
John Kosar
John Murphy
John Netto
John Palmer
John Roque
Jon Najarian
Jonas Elmerraji
Jordan Kotick
Josh Olszewicz
Judy Ganes-Chase
Julien Bittel
Jurrien Timmer
Kathy Lien
Katie Stockton
Keith Kohl
Kevin Davey
Kevin Murcko
Kyle Dennis
Kyle du Plessis
Larry McMillan
Lars Seier Christensen
Leigh Drogen
Lex van Dam
Louis Llanes
Louise Yamada
Luke Brindle
Maleeha Bengali
Marc Chaikin
Marc Chandler
Marc Lichtenfeld
Marc Ostwald
Mark Newton
Mark Orsley
Mark Ritchie II
Matt McCall
Matt Rowe
Matthew Waz
Matthias Knab
Mehul Daya
Michael Coolbaugh
Michael Covel
Michael Kahn
Michael Madden
Michael Oliver
Michaël van de Poppe
Mike Carr
Mike Philbrick
Milton Berg
Mish Schneider
Mish Shedlock
Moe Zulfiqar
Murat Yilmaz
Nathan Batchelor
Neels Heyneke
Nigam Arora
Patrick Ceresna
Patrick Dunuwila
Paul Johnson Jr.
Paul Krake
Peter Brandt
Raghee Horner
Ralph Acampora
Raoul Pal
Ray Merriman
Ray Ng
Rich Ross
Richard Russell
Richard Smith
Richard Wyckoff
Rick Bensignor
Rick Pendergraft
Rob Davis
Rob Topping
Robert Balan
Robert Kelley
Robert Maxwell
Robin Griffiths
Roger Montgomery
Ron Rowland
Ron William
Ronnie Stoeferle
Ruth Barrons Roosevelt
Ryan Dinse
Sam Burns
Sam Subramanian
Sarah Potter
Sean Corrigan
Sean Hyman
Stefan Juriansz
Stephen Bigalow
Steve Ehrlich
Steve Miley
Steve Strazza
Steven Goldstein
Steven Hochberg
Sven Henrich
TJ Noonan
Terrell Gates
Thomas Bulkowski
Todd Gordon
Todd Harrison
Todd Rampe
Todd Salamone
Tom Bruni
Tom DeMark
Tom Denham
Tom Gentile
Tommy Thornton
Toni Turner
Tony Sagami
Tony Zhang
Trevor Neil
Urban Carmel
Van Tharp
Victor Niederhoffer
Vijay Marolia
Vincent Catalano
Vincent Randazzo
Vishal Mehta
Vishal Reddy
Wendy O
Will Tamplin
William Gann
Yoni Assia
Yvan Berthoux


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Real Money Pro
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Active Trading
Day Trading
Kondratieff Waves
Relative Strength Momentum
Swing Trading
Systematic Trading


Chaikin Power Gauge Rating
MACD - Moving Average Convergence/Divergence
Market Sentiment
Proprietary Trading

Aaron Uitenbroek

Adam Grimes

Adam Mesh

Adam O'Dell

Aksel Kibar

Alan Shaw

Alex Saunders

Amelia Bourdeau

Andrea Gentilini

Andreas Clenow

Andrew Aziz

Andrés Trujillo Renzi

Anna Coulling

Ari Wald

Art Hogan

Ashraf Laidi

Ashwath Balakrishnan

Benoit Bosc

Bernie Schaeffer

Bert Dohmen

Bill Poulos

Bill Strazzullo

Blake Morrow

Bob Farrell

Bob Iaccino

Bob Lang

Boris Schlossberg

Brannigan Barrett

Brent Donnelly

Bret Kenwell

Brett Steenbarger

Brian Shannon

Brian Whitmer

CTO Larsson

Caleb Franzen

Carley Garner

Charlie Morris

Chase Taylor

Checkmate Bitcoiner

Chris Berry

Chris Blasi

Chris Carolan

Chris Johnson

Chris Vermeulen

Chris Verrone

Chris Weston

Christopher Dembik

Courtney Smith

Craig Johnson

D.R. Barton

Dan Passarelli

Dan Russo

Dave Floyd

Dave The Wave

David Keller

David Truffelman

Deepak Shenoy

Denise Shull

Dick Dickson

Doug Busch

Eddie Mendel

Elliott Allswang

Faris Sleem

Felix Hartmann

Francis Hunt

Frank Cappelleri

Galen Burghardt

Gareth Soloway

Garrett Patten

Geo Chen

George Brod

George Leong

George Pruitt

Glenn Williams Jr

Greg Di Prisco

Greg Diamond

Greg Weldon

Grega Horvat

Guy Cerundolo

Helene Meisler

Imran Lakha

Indrazith Shantharaj

Ivo Zhelev

Jack Schwager

James Cox

James Stack

James Turk

Jamie Coutts

Jared Dillian

Jasmina Hasanhodzic

Jason Bond

Jason Goepfert

Jason Hamlin

Jason Leibowitz

Jason Raznick

Jay Soloff

Jeff Fischer

Jeff Kennedy

Jeff Kilburg

Jeff Marcus

Jeff Weiss

Jeff deGraaf

Jeffrey Hirsch

Jeffrey Spotts

Jerremy Newsome

Joe Fahmy

Joe Perry

John Carter

John DiCecco

John Kolovos

John Kosar

John Murphy

John Netto

John Palmer

John Roque

Jon Najarian

Jonas Elmerraji

Jordan Kotick

Josh Olszewicz

Judy Ganes-Chase

Julien Bittel

Jurrien Timmer

Kathy Lien

Katie Stockton

Keith Kohl

Kevin Davey

Kevin Murcko

Kyle Dennis

Kyle du Plessis

Larry McMillan

Lars Seier Christensen

Leigh Drogen

Lex van Dam

Louis Llanes

Louise Yamada

Luke Brindle

Maleeha Bengali

Marc Chaikin

Marc Chandler

Marc Lichtenfeld

Marc Ostwald

Mark Newton

Mark Orsley

Mark Ritchie II

Matt McCall

Matt Rowe

Matthew Waz

Matthias Knab

Mehul Daya

Michael Coolbaugh

Michael Covel

Michael Kahn

Michael Madden

Michael Oliver

Michaël van de Poppe

Mike Carr

Mike Philbrick

Milton Berg

Mish Schneider

Mish Shedlock

Moe Zulfiqar

Murat Yilmaz

Nathan Batchelor

Neels Heyneke

Nigam Arora

Patrick Ceresna

Patrick Dunuwila

Paul Johnson Jr.

Paul Krake

Peter Brandt

Raghee Horner

Ralph Acampora

Raoul Pal

Ray Merriman

Ray Ng

Rich Ross

Richard Russell

Richard Smith

Richard Wyckoff

Rick Bensignor

Rick Pendergraft

Rob Davis

Rob Topping

Robert Balan

Robert Kelley

Robert Maxwell

Robin Griffiths

Roger Montgomery

Ron Rowland

Ron William

Ronnie Stoeferle

Ruth Barrons Roosevelt

Ryan Dinse

Sam Burns

Sam Subramanian

Sarah Potter

Sean Corrigan

Sean Hyman

Stefan Juriansz

Stephen Bigalow

Steve Ehrlich

Steve Miley

Steve Strazza

Steven Goldstein

Steven Hochberg

Sven Henrich

TJ Noonan

Terrell Gates

Thomas Bulkowski

Todd Gordon

Todd Harrison

Todd Rampe

Todd Salamone

Tom Bruni

Tom DeMark

Tom Denham

Tom Gentile

Tommy Thornton

Toni Turner

Tony Sagami

Tony Zhang

Trevor Neil

Urban Carmel

Van Tharp

Victor Niederhoffer

Vijay Marolia

Vincent Catalano

Vincent Randazzo

Vishal Mehta

Vishal Reddy

Wendy O

Will Tamplin

William Gann

Yoni Assia

Yvan Berthoux