Bert Dohmen

Bert Dohmen

Formal First Name

Bert Dohmen is a professional trader, investor, and analyst. He is the founder of Dohmen Capital Research Group and Dohmen Strategies where he has been giving his analysis and forecasts to traders and investors for over 45 years. His firm utilizes the combination of advanced technical analysis and credit market analysis to detect major turns in the markets and sectors. A renowned technical analyst, Dohmen is also known as “a leading Fed Watcher” by the Wall Street Journal, for his coverage on Fed Reserve Board actions, worldwide politics and economies, along with fundamental and technical analysis. Dohmen developed "Theory of Liquidity & Credit" as the major determinant of the investment markets, which enabled it to call every bear market of the last 40 years. He has also achieved an international reputation for his expertise in forecasting the major investment markets, interest rates, and economic trends.

  • Bert Dohmen has been rated as a Top Stock Market Timer, including the #1 rating, by Timer's Digest.

  • His contrarian analysis and perspective on markets can be found in any of Dohmen Capital Research’s landmark publications, where you can read his fundamental and technical insights and forecasts.

  • Dohmen’s firms currently offer 4 highly valuable services for serious investors and traders.

  • His predictions of Federal Reserve policy have been astounding, with consideration to the Fed policy as the most fundamental factor.

  • He has been a special guest on CNBC, Fox Business News, and CNN, among others.

  • His analysis has been featured in some of the best known and reputable investment publications including the Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, Barron’s, Future’s Magazine, and Forbes.