Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis involves bottoms-up analysis of a company/market fundamentals to predict how that market/company should be acting


AQR Capital Management
Abakkus Asset Manager
Abrams Capital
Advent Capital Management
Altrinsic Global Advisors
Aristides Capital
Ascendere Associates
Assured Capital Partners
BHZ Capital Management
BK Asset Management
Brevan Howard
Bristol Gate Capital Partners
Buffalo Funds
Capital Market Laboratories
Carrhae Capital
Cheyne Capital Management
Cobia Capital Management
Constellation Asset Management
Contrarian Capital Management
Corriente Advisors
D E Shaw & Co
Davidson Kempner Capital Management
Deer Park Road Management Company
Delbrook Capital Advisors
Dichotomy Capital
EARNEST Partners
Eaton Vance Management
Element Capital Management
Emerald Asset Management
Eminence Capital
Equity Armor Investments
Essex Investment Management
FJ Capital Management
Farallon Capital Management
Fidelity Magellan Fund
Fundamental Research Corp.
Fundstrat Global Advisors
GAMCO Investors
Gates Capital Management
Gerstein Fisher
Glenn Williams Jr LLC
Global Return Asset Management
Goehring & Rozencwajg Associates
Green Alpha Advisors
Greenwoods Asset Management
Henning Financial Services
Horizon Kinetics
Intermarket Strategy Ltd
JLP Asset Management
Jennison Associates
Jirisan Capital
KLS Diversified Asset Management
Khaner Capital Management
King Street Capital Management
Kopernik Global Investors
L.A. Stevens Investments
Lazard Asset Management
Logan Capital Management
Lone Pine Capital
Longview Economics
MENA Capital
Macro Intelligence 2 Partners
Marshall Wace
Massif Capital
Maverick Capital
Melius Research
Mill Street Research
Ned Davis Research Group
North Star Asset Management
Paix et Prospérité
ParaFi Capital
Parnassus Investments
Pivot Analytics
Pivotal Advisors
Rosenblatt Securities
SAC Capital
Schaeffer's Investment Research
Semper Augustus Investments Group
Shukr Investments
Stack Financial Management
Starboard Value
Tallbacken Capital Advisors
Talon Advisors
The Analyst Research
The Arora Report
The Blue Collar Investor
The Children's Investment Fund Management
The Edge
ThirdYear Capital
Viking Global Investors
Virtus Investment Partners
Wall Street Daily
Wellesley Asset Management
York Capital Management

Event Types

Crisis of Confidence


Alex Saunders
Amine Bouchentouf
Andreas Halvorsen
Andy Krieger
Anna Coulling
Ashwath Balakrishnan
Bernie Schaeffer
Bert Dohmen
Bill Ehrman
Bill Strazzullo
Bob Iaccino
Bob Lang
Bradley Safalow
Cameron Hight
Carlos Sanchez
Chaim Siegel
Chance Pipitone
Chat Reynders
Checkmate Bitcoiner
Chris Johnson
Chris Weston
Chuck Carnevale
Damien Conover
Dan McMurtrie
Dave Floyd
David Dreman
Erich Gerth
Faris Sleem
Florian Bartunek
Gareth Soloway
George Leong
Glenn Williams Jr
Greg Weldon
Howard Schilit
Ivo Zhelev
Jack Schwager
James Stack
Jason Hamlin
Jeff Dorman
Jeffrey Hirsch
John Burr Williams
John Carter
John Del Vecchio
John DiCecco
John Murphy
Jon Baranko
Joseph Trevisani
Josh Olszewicz
Judy Ganes-Chase
Kathy Lien
Kay Van-Petersen
Kevin Smith
Kyle Cooper
Lloyd Khaner
Maleeha Bengali
Marc Chandler
Mark Ritchie II
Martin Kollmorgen
Matt Peron
Michael Burry
Michael Coolbaugh
Michaël van de Poppe
Mitch Swergold
Moe Zulfiqar
Nigam Arora
Peter Lynch
Raghee Horner
Richard Excell
Rick Pendergraft
Robin Fink
Roger Montgomery
Ryan Dinse
Sam Subramanian
Sean Corrigan
Sergey Kolmykov
Stephanie Link
Steve Mandel
Steve Strazza
Steve Voulgaridis
Taesik Yoon
Terrell Gates
Thomas Rice
Tim Broekmans
Todd Gordon
Todd Rampe
Tom Lott
Tom Steyer
Tom Tobin
Victor Cunningham
Vincent Randazzo
William Anderson
Yan Liberman


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Active Trading
Growth Vs Value
Swing Trading


Chaikin Power Gauge Rating
Proprietary Trading

  • Place emphasis on "should" be acting
  • Often fundamental analysis is not a good short term predictor (technical or behavior factors can take over)
  • Fundamental analysis tends to perform better in the long term