Exit Strategies for Covered Call Writing

Exit Strategies for Covered Call Writing

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Exit Strategies for Covered Call Writing: Making the Most Money When Selling Stock Options

Exit Strategies for Covered Call Writing reveals the best and most effective procedures to manage your stock option positions. After selling a call option, many investors simply permit the result to run its own course through expiration Friday. By administering well-thought-out exit strategies, based on sound fundamental and technical principles along with your common sense, your profits will be maximized and your losses will be diminished. Written in a practical and straightforward manner, this book offers sound, honest, and easy-to-understand management techniques that will take the mystery out of covered call writing.

Inside you will discover and learn about: 

  • What exit strategies can do for you 
  • The key parameters to consider 
  • Exit strategy alternatives 
  • Executing exit strategy trades 
  • Real-life examples
  • Profiting with the Ellman calculator