Currency Trading in the Forex and Futures Markets

Currency Trading in the Forex and Futures Markets


Currency Trading in the Forex and Futures Markets is a concise, candid, and practical book that teaches you everything you need to better your chances at earning your share of the profits. In plain English, this book explains the markets, jargon, calculations, risks, essential trading techniques, and much more. It shows how to avoid smoke-and-mirrors, snake-oil salesmen, and currency trading environments that aren’t what they seem. You’ll learn how to improve your odds through basic fundamental, technical, and seasonal analysis and discover tips and tricks you’d otherwise have to learn through costly experimentation.

Carley Garner is a smart trader and broker; she understands the markets and the importance of educating traders. Her new FOREX book is a good addition to her other efforts, A trader’s First book on Commodities and Commodity Options. Taking on FOREX is not easy, but Carley nailed this one. gives it a big thumbs up.”

Danny Riley, President,

“Once again, Carley Garner demonstrates her ability to boil down complex concepts for individual traders. This book will put budding currency traders ahead of the curve with its unique blend of the basics and some refreshingly unexpected material.”

Karris Golden, Traders Press®

“It’s not easy to write about a complex topic like currency trading in words that anyone can understand. In that respect, Carley Garner hit a home run with this book. She clearly spells out the advantages and potential pitfalls to trading FOREX today. It’s a must-read for any investor considering exploring currency trading.”

Frederic Ruffy, Market Strategist, Trade Alert, LLC