Mill Street Research

Mill Street Research

Founding Date

Mill Street Research is a boutique investment consulting and research firm that offers tools and commentary to institutional investors. It provides a range of consistently updated research reports covering asset allocation, country allocation, sector and industry selection, and a robust quantitative stock selection process. MSR also provides customized work and special research projects for clients.



The Monitor of Analyst Earnings Revisions (MAER) is a stock selection tool based on earnings revisions. It is both a graphical tool for analyzing trends in Analyst sentiment alongside prices and valuations and a ranking model based on six key factors.

Sector & Industry Selection

By aggregating the stock-level MAER indicators to the industry and sector level, MSR can readily identify areas within the equity market that have strong tailwinds or headwinds based on trends in analyst sentiment, valuations, and price action. 

Regional & Country Allocation

Combining macro inputs and aggregated revisions, a suite of models guides allocation across seven major regions for equity allocation. 

Asset Allocation

The Asset Allocation models and indicators help gauge both the tactical and strategic outlook for equities relative to bonds and other high-risk/low-risk allocation decisions. 

Model Portfolios

Clients interested in objectively constructed, implementable model portfolios can request access to Mill Street’s model portfolio Service.

Custom Research Services

The service also includes consulting services, which allows for direct access to Sam Burns regarding his knowledge and insight on any specific topics related to the core models.