Ned Davis Research Group

Ned Davis Research Group

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Founding Date

Ned Davis Research is a research firm that helps investors make better decisions by providing unbiased, insightful and risk appropriate market and global economic data and analysis

  • Founded In 1980 by Ned Davis founded
    • Based on his fundamental belief that making money was more important than being right.
    • This belief drove a passion for analysis and the market
  • One of the largest independent institutional investment research providers in the market
  • Widely recognized for concise commentary and unbiased views
  • Offer investors insight into forces driving the markets
  • Headquartered in Venice, Florida, with offices in Atlanta, Boston, London, Hong Kong, and San Francisco.

Ned Davis Unique Approach

  • To make better investment decisions, you need unbiased insight on the market
  • NDR combines both fundamental and technical research disciplines
    • Fundamentals tell us how the markets should be acting
    • Technicals reveal how the markets are acting
    • Truly insightful and timely ideas demand a balance between these two disciplines
    • Actionable ideas meet balanced, strategic insights through our 360° research methodology