Fundamental Research Corp.

Fundamental Research Corp.

Founding Date

Fundamental Research Corp. provides the highest institutional-quality equity research coverage on small and micro cap companies. FRC is one of the largest issuer-paid independent research houses in the world, with a 17-year track record of covering 550+ companies. They are a premier research firm that has ranked in the Top Ten in independent third party evaluations of our research. FRC believes that by analysing under-covered companies, they can provide investors with an analytical edge. FRC’s top picks were up 55.6% on average since the initiation of coverage. The firm’s research is available to some of the largest institutional investors in the world through such portals as Reuters, Capital IQ, Bloomberg, the Globe and Mail, and by subscription.

  • In 2003, FRC was established and since then has covered over 550 small and micro cap companies.

  • In 2008, FRC earned a spot in Business in Vancouver's Top 100 Fastest-Growing Companies.

  • In 2009, FRC began coverage on private companies.

  • In 2019, FRC was invited to ring the bell at the NEO Exchange.

  • In 2020, FRC launched coverage on large caps.

FRC provides research coverage on the following: