Asset Classes


Plural Name

Commodities come with returns that are substantially independent of stock and bond returns. Mixing in broad commodity exposure with stocks and bonds can help significantly diversify a portfolio, potentially reducing the risk of an overall portfolio and boosting returns. Given their impact on consumer goods prices, this distinct asset class can also offer a hedge against inflation.

Asset Classes

Digital Art
Fiat Currency
Precious Metals


Financial Sense Wealth Management
Agora Financial
All Star Charts
Andromeda Capital Management
Arbor Research & Trading, LLC
Asbury Research
BCA Research
BGC Partners
Balyasny Asset Management
Beeland Interests, Inc.
Behavioral Analysis of Markets
Bianco Research LLC
CME Group
COMEX Commodities Exchange
Cambria Investment Management
Candlestick Forum LLC
Capital Economics
Carbon Direct
Cash Cow Farmer
Chicago Board Options Exchange
China Beige Book
Concord Resources
Cornerstone Analytics
Cott Law Group
DTAP Capital Partners
Damped Spring Advisors
DataTrek Research
DeCarley Trading
Dent Research
Diamond Standard
Diversified Trading Institute
EW Forecast
East Daley Capital
Eckhardt Trading Company
Element Macro Research
Elliott Wave International
Elliottwave Forecast
Equity Management Associates
Fairlead Strategies
Fidelity Institutional Asset Management®
Financial Markets Training Ltd
Fox Business
Fundamental Research Corp.
GnS Economics
Gold Anti-Trust Committee
Goldman Sachs
HBK Capital Management
HLM Capital Management
Hilltower Resource Advisors
I Know First
IHS Markit
IceCap Asset Management
Ivanhoe Mines
JDI Research
Kraken Exchange
L2 Capital Partners
Lahardan Financial
Lyn Alden Investment Strategy
MKP Capital Management
McAlinden Research Partners
Medallion Fund
Merk Investments
Milton Berg Advisors
New York Mercantile Exchange
Newton Investment Management
OpenMetrics Solutions
Paradigm Press
Pervalle Global
Quill Intelligence
RTM Capital Advisors
RW Advisory
SPDR Gold Trust
Seeking Alpha
Singapore Exchange
StoneX Group
Streetwise Reports
Svelland Capital
TG Macro
Tai Tam Capital
Thalēs Trading Solutions
The Arora Report
The Matrix Organisation
The Morgan Report
TradeLink Holdings LLC
Tradeview Markets
True Insights
U.S. Global Investors
Vale SA
Viking Analytics
Wall Street Daily
Wells Fargo
Yahoo! Finance
Zulauf Consulting
iShares Gold Trust

Entity Types

Exchange Traded Fund
Stock Market


Gold Reserve Act of 1934
US Bull Markets




Exploration and Drilling


30 Year Commodity Cycle
Global Macro Strategy
Long Position
Relative Strength Momentum


Commodity Investing
Commodity Research Bureau Index
Current Price
Investment Management
Investment Portfolio
Proprietary Trading
Securities Fraud
Structured Note
The Commodity Countries


Nothing goes to the moon without at least 1 50% Correction

Aaron Brown

Aaron Uitenbroek

Adam Golden

Adam Kobeissi

Adam O'Dell

Adam Rozencwajg

Agustin Lebron

Alex Höptner

Alex Kruger

Alexander Campbell

Alexander Stahel

Amelia Bourdeau

Amine Bouchentouf

Amlan Roy

Amy Jaffe

Andrea Gentilini

Andrea Paltrinieri

Andreas Clenow

Andrew Abraham

Andrew Beer

Andrew Saunders

Andrew Schneider

Andy Hecht

Anton LeRoy

Ari Pine

Audra Plageman

Barclay Leib

Barry Bannister

Bart Melek

Basil Karatzas

Ben Chrnelich

Ben Morris

Benoit Bosc

Bill Blain

Bill Poulos

Bill Shaw

Bo Zhang

Bob Lang

Bob Yawger

Bobby Jain

Brett Friedman

Brian Werdesheim

Brien Lundin

Bruce Kovner

Bruce Mumford

Bud King

Callum Thomas

Carley Garner

Carlos Sanchez

Charlie McGarraugh

Charlie Morris

Chen Zhao

Chris Berry

Chris Blasi

Chris Castroviejo

Chris Powell

Chris Tyrer

Christophe Ollari

Courtney Smith

Dan Ferris

Dan Jerrett

Dan Morehead

Dan Oliver Jr.

Dan Passarelli

Dan Russo

Dan Tapiero

Daniel Ahn

Daniel Lacalle

Daniel Masters

Daniel Yergin

David Berns

David Dorr

David Morgan

David Shimko

David Truffelman

Davis Edwards

Denise Shull

Dennis Chen

Dennis Gartman

Diego Parrilla

Dominic Frisby

Dominique Dwor-Frécaut

Don Singletary

Donald van Deventer

Douglas Borthwick

Dwight Anderson

Ed Woodford

Elliott Allswang

Emad Mostaque

Eric Crittenden

Erik Bethel

Erik Lytikainen

Euan Sinclair

Frank Holmes

Fredrik Nerbrand

Galen Burghardt

Gareth Soloway

Geoff Marcus

George Kleinman

George Milling-Stanley

George Pruitt

Gianna Bern

Grace Rodriguez

Greg Diamond

Greg Weldon

Guy Cerundolo

Guy Keller

Henry Ma

Humayun Sheikh

Ian Bezek

JG Savoldi

Jack Farchy

Jake Chervinsky

Jake Weber

James Helliwell

Jamie Coutts

Jared Dillian

Jason Goepfert

Jason Raznick

Javier Blas

Jay Soloff

Jean-Marie Mognetti

Jeff Berwick

Jeff Clark

Jeff Currie

Jeff Fischer

Jeff Kennedy

Jeffrey Sherman

Jeremy Schwartz

Jeroen Blokland

Jesse Livermore

Jim Martens

Jim Rogers

Jim Simpson

Jim Sinclair

John Doody

John Embry

John Kosar

John Murphy

John Palmer

John Stephenson

Jon Najarian

Jonas Thulin

Jonathan Cohen

Jonathan Goldberg

Jonathan Treussard

Jordan Kotick

Joseph Sheeley

Josh Crumb

Josh Young

Julian Brigden

Justin Spittler

Justin Carlson

Justine Underhill

Kathy Derbes

Kathy Jones

Keith Black

Keith Dicker

Kelley Wright

Kevin Davey

Kimberly Flynn

Kirill Zagalsky

Kristen Capuano

Larry Lepard

Larry Williams

Lars Seier Christensen

Leigh Goehring

Leo Kolivakis

Lex van Dam

Louis Bacon

Lyn Alden

Magdalena Polan

Marc Chaikin

Marc Cohen

Marcelo Lopez

Mario Lima

Mark Hansen

Mark Ritchie

Mark Sebastian

Mark Valek

Mark Whitmore

Mark Yaxley

Markus Heitkoetter

Martin Pring

Matt Insley

Matthew Hart

Matthew Waz

Matthias Knab

Maziar Minovi

Meb Faber

Michael Ashton

Michael Barrington-Hibbert

Michael Covel

Michael Defosse

Michael Gettings

Michael Kahn

Michael Kao

Mike Creadon

Mike Maloney

Mike Rothman

Mish Schneider

Mish Shedlock

Neil Schofield

Niels Kaastrup-Larsen

Nigam Arora

Ole Hansen

Patricia Hemsworth

Patrick Watson

Peter Albano

Peter Brandt

Peter Lacalamita

Peter Sainsbury

Peter Schiff

Phil Taylor-Guck

Philippe Khuong-Huu

Pippa Malmgren

Ram Ahluwalia

Ray Merriman

Richard Dennis

Richard Sandor

Rick Pendergraft

Rick Rule

Rishi Narang

Robert Balan

Robin Griffiths

Robin Wigglesworth

Roger Montgomery

Ron Rowland

Ronnie Stoeferle

Rory Johnston

Russell Wild

Ruth Barrons Roosevelt

Saker Nusseibeh

Scott Acheychek

Scott Anderson

Scott Skyrm

Sean Brodrick

Sean Hyman

Shawn Hackett

Sheldon Natenberg

Siddhartha Jha

Slobodan Jovanovic

Stephen Bigalow

Stephen Leeb

Steve Hanke

Steve Kaczmarek

Steve Miley

Steven Hawkins

Sudhu Arumugam

Taimur Baig

Tariq Dennison

Todd Edgar

Todd Silaika

Tom Busby

Tom Gentile

Tom Hutchinson

Tony Greer

Tony Saliba

Tor Svelland

Tracy Shuchart

Tuomas Malinen

Van Tharp

Victor Niederhoffer

Victor Sperandeo

Viktor Shvets

Vince Sarullo

Warren Pies

William Gann

Xavier Rolet

