OpenMetrics Solutions

OpenMetrics Solutions

Entity Type
Founding Date

OpenMetrics Solutions is a software technology firm focusing on advanced risk management methods and financial engineering solutions. Recognized as a spin-off of ETH Zurich, the firm aims to develop best-in-class methodologies for investment management and provide efficient implementations via open source technologies. OpenMetrics’ deployed technologies are based on the latest academic research of ETH and associated universities. They support customers with the latest technologies in finance via SaaS and custom implementations. OpenMetrics Solutions relies upon a rich set of experience, advanced algorithms and robust implemented methodologies.

Key Areas of OpenMetrics Solutions activities include:

OpenMetrics Solutions:

  • ETH Spin-Off, founded in 2016 with focus on advanced statistical methods and financial engineering

  • ​​Core technologies based on latest academic research developed at ETH Zurich and affiliated universities

  • Engaged in ongoing transfer of academic research into commercially viable products and services