Patricia Hemsworth

Patricia Hemsworth

Formal First Name

Patricia Hemsworth is the Senior Vice President of Institutional Sales at Paragon Global Markets. A recognized risk management expert, she has a breadth of experience in sales, marketing, and product development of commodity derivatives, specializing in energy. Her profound knowledge of energy futures, options, and derivative products spans each period of energy market deregulation. Hemsworth also has a keen interest in the intersection of agriculture and energy in biofuels. She has constructed risk management strategies for crude oil, refined products, natural gas, power, emissions, and weather.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • Cross commodity expertise includes biofuel feedstocks including grains and sugar.
  • Power industry-related product knowledge includes weather derivatives, bundled alternative risk products, and emissions trading.


Senior Vice President of Institutional Sales at Paragon Global Markets

  • Focuses on developing the commercial business in energies, biofuels, and their key feedstocks. 
  • Originates specialized brokerage transactions services, brokering bilaterally executed physical contracts in energy commodities, including biofuels.
  • Provides specialized hedge consulting, helping to structure customized hedges for our commercial clients.

Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Triland USA

  • Developed original daily cross-commodity research and market analysis on forex, metals, energy, ethanol, soft, and grains.
  • Supported clients of other divisions by providing risk management expertise to sugar and coffee companies.

Managing Director of Marketing and Product Development at the New York Board of Trade

  • Designed and implemented a successful and aggressive outreach program to increase volume and open interest in core exchange products.
  • Targeted global sugar producers by organizing a series of international, foreign language seminars on the use of futures and particularly options.
  • Organized outreach to institutional investors, hedge funds, and commercial hedgers, creating an exchange database of clients and prospects by sector and product.
  • Organized multiple successful conferences for the sugar and ethanol industry in New York.
  • Organized and coordinated an international committee to create an ethanol futures contract from product design, creation and launch.

Vice President of Strategic Marketing and Product Management at Aquila Energy Marketing

Director of Product Marketing for Natural Gas, Power and Coal Derivatives at New York Mercantile Exchange
  • Implemented an aggressive outreach program consisting of workshops, seminars, and speaking engagements targeted to marketing companies, LDCs, and industrial end-users.
  • Organized 19 seminars to promote new products and over 50 presentations at conferences and on-site client venues.
  • Conducted an international campaign to educate the coal industry on the use of risk management techniques in preparation for the launch of the NYMEX Central Appalachian coal futures contract.

Product Marketing Manager of the Dow Jones Energy Service
  • Promoted Dow Jones Energy Service proprietary indexes, price data, news, and analytics.
  • Promoted the PowerHub, a transactional system for members of the Western Systems Power Pool.
  • Worked with developers to create a relational database for natural gas data for a large utility client.