Lyn Alden Investment Strategy

Lyn Alden Investment Strategy

Entity Type
Founding Date

Lyn Alden Investment Strategy is a highly-regarded equity research and investment strategy firm. The firm’s founder, Lyn Alden, provides equity research and investment strategies to give you the insight and data you need for managing your money through all market conditions. She leads the firm in focusing on fundamental investing with a global macro-overlay, with an emphasis on equities, currencies, commodities, and digital assets. The firm serves as an investment research platform for both retail and institutional investors.

Premium Stock Research Service

Lyn Alden Investment Strategy


Lyn Alden Investment Strategy


Lyn Alden Investment Strategy

Strategic Investment Newsletter

Lyn Alden Investment Strategy


Investors will receive a macro update about the business cycle and key developments worth paying attention to. 

  • A High-Conviction Stock Idea. 

You will also receive a high-conviction stock idea with a detailed breakdown of my analysis.

  • “Top Twelve” Updated Stock List. 

In addition to the detailed stock or ETF idea twice per month, the service maintains a regularly-updated Top Twelve Stock List.

The service includes real-money multi-asset model portfolios that many members find useful for investment ideas.