


StockDelver is a digital download that educates investors and helps them find great companies to invest in. StockDelver is meant for long-term investors with an eye towards valuation. The download also includes the Excel calculator that has the various fair value calculators and a 20-page detailed PDF tutorial on how to use it. It also delves into portfolio weighting approaches and other tactics to boost your returns in ways that most investors are not familiar with.


  • A PDF book that explains exactly how I find outperforming stocks.

  • A streamlined Excel spreadsheet that helps you determine fair value.

  • A PDF set of instructions for how to use the spreadsheet.


  • Detailed One-Stage Model

This framework makes it easy to segment the growth estimate into individual parts, so that you can approach them individually and come up with an accurate estimate.

  • Simple Two-Stage Model. 

The simple two-stage model cuts right to the chase and lets you calculate the fair value of a stock based on changing growth rates.

This model is great for REITs, MLPs, or any high-yielding dividend stock. It calculates the sum of perpetual discounted dividends for you.

  • Graham and Lynch Formulas. 

It calculates the original Benjamin Graham formula as well as his modified version for various interest rate environments. In addition, it calculates a dividend-adjusted P/E/G ratio.