The Hidden Secrets of Money is a smash-hit documentary series that has taught millions about the true value behind currency and money. It is a highly informative and engaging series that offers valuable insights into the world of finance and investing, hosted by Mike Maloney, monetary historian and the author of the world's bestselling book, Guide to Investing in Gold & Silver. The show covers a wide range of topics related to finance and economics, including the history of money, the Federal Reserve, the stock market, cryptocurrency, and more. It also focuses on the role of precious metals like gold and silver in the global economy. Mike Maloney argues that these metals have played a critical role in the history of money and continue to offer a role for investors in an uncertain financial landscape.
The Hidden Secrets of Money unravel the difference between currency and money.
In this show, you will learn about central banking, wealth cycles, deficit spending, monetary history, the financial crisis, the fiscal cliff, the debt ceiling and more.
Mike Maloney aims to remove the fog of modern economics for ordinary people and show them that in every crisis, there lies opportunity.
Mike Maloney is the Founder and CEO of GoldSilver, a global leader in gold and silver sales and one of the world's most highly regarded investment education companies.
He is the author of “Guide to Investing in Gold & Silver,” the number one selling precious metals investment book of all time.
He travels the world sharing his economic insights with audiences from Hong Kong to Rome to Silicon Valley to Wall Street.
Previously, Mike served as a precious metals investment advisor to Robert Kiyosaki, author of the most successful financial book in history, Rich Dad Poor Dad.