McAlinden Research Partners

McAlinden Research Partners

Founding Date

McAlinden Research Partners provides independent investment strategy research to investors worldwide. MRP aims to identify alpha-generating investment themes in their unfolding and bring them to client's attention. The firm’s research process is derived from Founder Joe McAlinden and his methodologies as Chief Investment Officer of Morgan Stanley Investment Management. In addition to investment strategy, MRP also delivers macroeconomic research, asset allocation, equities, fixed income, currencies, commodities and investment themes to clients. McAlinden Research also identifies disruptive change that leads to new investment opportunities.

  • MRP takes an inductive approach to gather data, news and events unfolding to speak to the shifts occurring across the globe.

  • The firm offers Daily Intelligence Briefing (DIB), which consists of news and macro data that rises to the top of relevant signaling change.

  • The catalysts of their ideas come from the following areas: Macroeconomic shifts and business cycle turns; policy and political changes; scientific and technological inventions.

  • The firm also covers health and demographic transitions, business model innovations, and environmental and demographic transitions.

MRP's Daily Intelligence Briefing

  • Today's Market Insight

  • Market Insight Updates

  • Active Thematic Ideas

  • Macroeconomic Indicators

  • Joe Mac's Viewpoints