Van Tharp

Van Tharp

Formal First Name

Van Tharp is the Founder and President of the Van Tharp Institute. He is an international trading coach who specializes in professional stock market trading. Helping others become the best trader or investor that they can be has been his mission since 1982. His unique learning strategies and techniques have produced a string of highly successful traders the most effective in their field. Tharp is also a highly rated guest speaker at expositions and conferences throughout the world.

Professional Experience

Academic History

  • Tharp believes that trading psychology contributed about 60% of success. 
  • He has helped people overcome problems in areas of system development and trading psychology, and success related issues such as self-sabotage. 
  • He is the only trading coach featured in Jack Schwager’s best-selling book, The Market Wizard’s: Interviews with Great Traders
  • He has been featured in Forbes, Barron’s Market Week, Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities, Investors Business Daily and Futures and Options World, and Trader’s Journal, just to name a few.
  • He has designed special seminars for banks and institutions and has presented these throughout the United States, as well as Paris, Italy, Singapore, Sydney, Melbourne, Venice, London, Vienna, Stockholm, Frankfurt, Nuremberg, Hungary, and numerous other places throughout the world.
  • He has conducted workshops for floor traders at the CBOT, the CBOE, and the CME. 
  • He is also a regular speaker to a portfolio and hedge fund managers worldwide. 
  • He was a member of the distinguished Investment Advisory Panel of the prestigious Oxford Club—a rare honor only half dozen or so individuals have received.
  • He has toured Asia as a guest speaker with Dow Jones and was the keynote speaker in 2011 at the largest investment conference in Poland.
    • He uses a combination of skills and education to fine-tune his strategies to coach, consult, and teach traders and investors.
      • Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center
      • Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
      • Certified Master Time Line Therapist
      • Certified Modeler of NLP
      • Assistant Trainer of NLP
    • He has used his expertise in NLP to create the successful models of trading and investing upon which so much of his work is based.