Safe Strategies for Financial Freedom

Safe Strategies for Financial Freedom


Safe Strategies for Financial Freedom shows you how to know in 30 seconds whether you should be in or out of the market. With legendary risk-control techniques, you will learn how the world's most profitable investors reduce their risk and leave their wealth-generating potential unlimited, and how you can too. You'll learn how to invest wisely—in every type of market, protecting what you earn, and developing sources of regular income to achieve financial independence.

This book describes:

  • Your Personal Financial Freedom Number - How to build a passive monthly income that frees you from the workplace
  • Specific strategies for transforming your assets from money pits to money producers
  • Stock market strategies that produce profits in all market environments, even major bear markets.
  • The Max Yield Strategy - A once-a-year system for safe, double-digit profits
  • Three proven real estate strategies for generating instant equity, long-term income, or both