Tracy Shuchart is the Founder and CEO of Hilltower Resource Advisors, a boutique research firm focusing on global energy and metals markets. At Hilltower, she manages an energy and materials portfolio for a single family office combining her vast knowledge of the energy and metals markets to assess risk. Tracy is an experienced commodities professional with extensive experience providing research and strategy for investors of all levels focused on the natural resource markets. She is a principal go-to person for energy-market analysis amongst the media and is frequently invited for long-form interviews by think tanks and research firms. In addition to Hilltower, she serves as a Partner and Global Energy & Materials Strategist at Intelligence Quarterly and an Analyst for Hedge Fund Telemetry.
Tracy began her career in 2005 at the Chicago Board of Trade where she worked in all facets of the industry from broker to managing a trading desk on the trade floor.
She served as the trading desk leader at CME ClearPort, a renowned futures, options, and energy OTC, where she worked with investment bank clients such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and ,Société Générale, as well as hedge fund, clients including Point72 and D.E.SHAW to execute market positioning across all commodity asset classes.
Tracy is a regular contributor on commodity markets for Fox Business, Bloomberg BNN, Asharq News (Dubai), CNBC, Futures Radio Show and CME Group.
She has a large following for her well regarded Podcasts and X (Twitter) Spaces, where she is known for her wide-ranging insights.
She is the host of the popular Place Your Trades Wednesday Twitter Spaces and the new Mic Drop Markets Podcast.
She has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.