Hedge Fund Telemetry

Hedge Fund Telemetry

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Hedge Fund Telemetry is an analysis and research company that collects data, analyzes it, and provides you with actionable research for your portfolio. Bringing specialized investment content at your fingertips, the firm aims to bring you inside the hedge fund world and offers you unique perspectives and insights unlike anything else coming from Wall Street. The company offers market sentiment, macro daily insights utilizing DeMark Indicators, sector rotations, and long and short trade ideas with professional commentary and more. Through Hedge Fund Telemetry, you’ll have unprecedented access to customized research and information from well-known firms and figures in the industry.

Mid Morning Note

Hedge Fund Telemetry

Daily Note

Hedge Fund Telemetry

The Week Ahead

Hedge Fund Telemetry

Commodity Markets

Hedge Fund Telemetry


  • Mid Morning Note — A brief pre-market note to get you quickly up to speed on what happened overnight

  • Daily Note — A midday note that covers all macro markets with an emphasis on US, European, and Asian equity markets

  • Sentiment Charts — Interactive charts of the Daily Sentiment Index data with 45 markets

  • The Week Ahead — A brief weekend note that contains everything you need to prepare for The Week Ahead

  • Sector Notes — Experienced hedge fund sector specialists with a weekly comprehensive note out

  • Trade Ideas — Actionable long and short ideas focused on US equity markets and major most liquid ETFs