

Politics is the science or practice of government, concerning the regulation and government of a nation or state, for the preservation of its safety, peace, and prosperity. It is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions regarding power relations between individuals, and distribution of resources or status. Politics also involves the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs. It also includes the management of a political party, the conduct and contests of parties with reference to political measures, and the advancement of candidates to office.


13D Global Strategy & Research
American Enterprise Institute
Bianco Research LLC
Chatham House
DSG Asia Limited
Enodo Economics
Eurasia Group
European Council on Foreign Relations
European Parliament
Henry Holt and Company
Jain Family Institute
Kindred Media
Llewellyn Consulting
Macro-Advisory Ltd
Medley Global Advisors
NBC News
National Public Radio
Paradigm Press
Perch Perspectives
Ride Home Media
SGH Macro Advisors
Strive Asset Management
Sunny Asset Management
TS Lombard
The Hill
The Hoover Institution
The New Yorker
Wall Street Daily
World Economic Forum
Zeihan on Geopolitics


Adam Davidson
Adam Posen
Adam Zarazinski
Agathe Demarais
Aimen Dean
Alan Tonelson
Alex Pollock
Alyona Minkovski
Amity Schlaes
Amy Jaffe
Anatole Kaletsky
Andrei Shleifer
Andrew Marantz
Andrew Tobias
Andrew Whitworth
Anthony Scaramucci
Arthur Laffer
Artur Osinski
Ash Bennington
Ayman Mohyeldin
Barack Obama
Ben Hubbard
Ben White
Benjamin Friedman
Bethany McLean
Bill Black
Brett Quick
Bruce Bartlett
Bruce Fenton
Bruce Mehlman
Carly Fiorina
Carne Ross
Carter Glass
Cenk Sidar
Charles Gasparino
Charles Kupchan
Chris Brose
Chris Hamilton
Chris Miller
Chris Weafer
Christopher Sabatini
Coleman Andrews
Connie Bruck
Contessa Brewer
DJ Gribbin
Dane Chamorro
Daniel Drezner
Daniel Lacalle
Daniel Lansberg-Rodriguez
Daniel Markey
Daniel McDowell
Daniel Yergin
Danielle Booth
Dave Collum
David Adelman
David Crook
David Greene
David Higgins
David Kilcullen
David Kretzmann
David McWilliams
David Metzner
David Shor
David Weinberger
David Wessel
David Woo
Dennis Gartman
Dewardric McNeal
Diana Choyleva
Dilip Cherian
Dinny McMahon
Dion Rabouin
Don Coxe
Don Lemon
Ed Campbell
Ed Harrison
Edward Goldberg
Elaine Ly
Elizabeth Warren
Emanuel Pleitez
Eva Kaili
F.A. Hayek
Fred Kempe
Frederic Howe
Freya Beamish
Gene Sperling
Gene Steuerle
Gillian Tett
Guy Spier
Harald Malmgren
Harsh Madhusudan
Helen Thomas
Henry Kissinger
Ho-Fung Hung
Ian Bremmer
Irshad Manji
Izabella Kaminska
Jack Farley
Jacob Shapiro
James Aitken
Jamie Metzl
Jamil Jaffer
Jason Bordoff
Jay Newman
Jeffry Frieden
Jenny Xiao
Jeremy Ghez
Jeremy Kourdi
Jessica Rabe
Jim Bianco
Jimmy Mengel
Joan Johnson-Freese
Jodi Kantor
Joe McMonigle
Joe Walker
John Anderson
John Mearsheimer
John Moorlach
John Nichols
John Taylor
Jon Askonas
Jon Haidt
Jon Wolfsthal
Jonathan Kirshner
Jonathan Scott
Jonathan Ward
Josh Brown
Josh Lipsky
Josh Rogin
Josh Wolfe
Joshua Landis
Julia Friedlander
Julia Pollak
Julie Klinger
Ken Galbraith
Kenneth Schultz
Kevin Vallier
Kristin Smith
Kurt Andersen
Lars Seier Christensen
Leah McGrath Goodman
Leah Wald
Loretta Napoleoni
Lowell Randel
Magdalena Polan
Maggie Lake
Mario Lima
Mark Blyth
Mark Skousen
Marko Papic
Marshall Kosloff
Matt Stoller
Megan Greene
Megan Twohey
Meghan O'Sullivan
Michael Casey
Michael Lewis
Michael Lewitt
Mike Forsythe
Mike Sanders
Mikkel Rosenvold
Mish Shedlock
Morgan Harper
Moriah Costa
Nancy Lazar
Nate Silver
Neil Howe
Niall Kishtainy
Nicholas Callais
Nick Bilton
Nick Timiraos
Nigel Farage
Nomi Prins
Noreena Hertz
Oliver Harvey
Orville Schell
Paul Schulte
Pedro da Costa
Perianne Boring
Peter Zeihan
Pippa Malmgren
R.P. Eddy
Rachel Ziemba
Rana Foroohar
Rand Paul
Rasheed Hammouda
Rashique Rahman
Robby Soave
Robert Johnson
Ross Douthat
Ruchir Sharma
Rui de Figueiredo
Rupert Harrison
Ryan Dezember
Ryan Gingeras
Saagar Enjeti
Samuel Charap
Sara Fagen
Sarah Quinn
Scott Gottlieb
Sebastian Purcell
Seth Bannon
Seth Hertlein
Soner Cagaptay
Stephen Cohen
Stephen Walt
Steve Bannon
Steve Feinberg
Steve Keen
Steve Kornacki
Steven Bavaria
Stewart Patrick
Suriya Jayanti
Taylor Fravel
Tayyip Erdogan
Thomas Mayer
Tim Higgins
Tim Marshall
Tom Burgis
Tom Emmer
Tom Kalil
Tom Miller
Tony Fratto
Tony Stich
Tracy Shuchart
Victor Shih
Vijay Boyapati
Virginia Garrard-Burnett
Vivek Ramaswamy
Walt Bogdanich
Weston Nakamura
William Bernstein
William Cohan
William Strauss
Worth Wray
Yaron Brook


5 Min. Forecast
A New Idea of India
America's Bank
American Bonds
Applied Economics
Blain’s Morning Porridge
Blood Sport
Blueprint for America
Capital and Ideology
Casey Daily Dispatch
Chip War
Civilized to Death
Credit Writedowns
Currency Politics
Dead Men Ruling
Debt, Development, and Democracy
Don’t Quit Your Day Job
Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy
Factions and Finance in China
First Responders
Future Storm
Geopolitical Alpha
Global Capitalism
Hidden Forces
In Defence of Open Society
Investing For Dummies
Investment Watch Blog
Leaders Eat Last
Learning from Experience
Making the Future
Maximum Achievement
Mindful Money
Money Gods
Morning Brew
Political Cycles and the Macroeconomy
Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order
Red Notice
Risky Business
Rolling Stone
Ruined by Design
Skin in the Game
Soros on Soros
Stansberry Investor Hour
Terrorism and the Economy
The Age of Deception
The Atlantic
The Battle For Paradise
The Big Three in Economics
The Case Against Socialism
The Cash Nexus
The Changing World Order
The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Politics Of Oil
The Confessions of a Monopolist
The Crash Course
The Creature from Jekyll Island
The Credit Strategist
The Economics and Politics of Race
The Economics of Inequality
The Economist
The End of the Free Market
The Exponential Age
The Face of the Nation
The Fat Tail
The Great Reset
The Joe Walker Podcast
The Nation
The Network State
The New Class War
The New Russia
The Quotations of Chairman Greenspan
The Rainmaker Investor Report
The Reformed Broker
The Rise and Fall of Aam Aadmi Party
The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers
The Soros Lectures
The Tesla Revolution
The Theory of Moral Sentiments
The Third Pillar
The Tragedy of American Science
The Triumph of Politics
The Turnout
The Two-Income Trap
The Victory Project
The Volatility Machine
The War of the World
The Washington Post
Think Like a Freak
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Trend Followingâ„¢ Radio
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What Bitcoin Did
World Politics
Your Smart Money Moves



Adam Davidson

Adam Posen

Adam Zarazinski

Agathe Demarais

Aimen Dean

Alan Tonelson

Alex Pollock

Alyona Minkovski

Amity Schlaes

Amy Jaffe

Anatole Kaletsky

Andrei Shleifer

Andrew Marantz

Andrew Tobias

Andrew Whitworth

Anthony Scaramucci

Arthur Laffer

Artur Osinski

Ash Bennington

Ayman Mohyeldin

Barack Obama

Ben Hubbard

Ben White

Benjamin Friedman

Bethany McLean

Bill Black

Brett Quick

Bruce Bartlett

Bruce Fenton

Bruce Mehlman

Carly Fiorina

Carne Ross

Carter Glass

Cenk Sidar

Charles Gasparino

Charles Kupchan

Chris Brose

Chris Hamilton

Chris Miller

Chris Weafer

Christopher Sabatini

Coleman Andrews

Connie Bruck

Contessa Brewer

DJ Gribbin

Dane Chamorro

Daniel Drezner

Daniel Lacalle

Daniel Lansberg-Rodriguez

Daniel Markey

Daniel McDowell

Daniel Yergin

Danielle Booth

Dave Collum

David Adelman

David Crook

David Greene

David Higgins

David Kilcullen

David Kretzmann

David McWilliams

David Metzner

David Shor

David Weinberger

David Wessel

David Woo

Dennis Gartman

Dewardric McNeal

Diana Choyleva

Dilip Cherian

Dinny McMahon

Dion Rabouin

Don Coxe

Don Lemon

Ed Campbell

Ed Harrison

Edward Goldberg

Elaine Ly

Elizabeth Warren

Emanuel Pleitez

Eva Kaili

F.A. Hayek

Fred Kempe

Frederic Howe

Freya Beamish

Gene Sperling

Gene Steuerle

Gillian Tett

Guy Spier

Harald Malmgren

Harsh Madhusudan

Helen Thomas

Henry Kissinger

Ho-Fung Hung

Ian Bremmer

Irshad Manji

Izabella Kaminska

Jack Farley

Jacob Shapiro

James Aitken

Jamie Metzl

Jamil Jaffer

Jason Bordoff

Jay Newman

Jeffry Frieden

Jenny Xiao

Jeremy Ghez

Jeremy Kourdi

Jessica Rabe

Jim Bianco

Jimmy Mengel

Joan Johnson-Freese

Jodi Kantor

Joe McMonigle

Joe Walker

John Anderson

John Mearsheimer

John Moorlach

John Nichols

John Taylor

Jon Askonas

Jon Haidt

Jon Wolfsthal

Jonathan Kirshner

Jonathan Scott

Jonathan Ward

Josh Brown

Josh Lipsky

Josh Rogin

Josh Wolfe

Joshua Landis

Julia Friedlander

Julia Pollak

Julie Klinger

Ken Galbraith

Kenneth Schultz

Kevin Vallier

Kristin Smith

Kurt Andersen

Lars Seier Christensen

Leah McGrath Goodman

Leah Wald

Loretta Napoleoni

Lowell Randel

Magdalena Polan

Maggie Lake

Mario Lima

Mark Blyth

Mark Skousen

Marko Papic

Marshall Kosloff

Matt Stoller

Megan Greene

Megan Twohey

Meghan O'Sullivan

Michael Casey

Michael Lewis

Michael Lewitt

Mike Forsythe

Mike Sanders

Mikkel Rosenvold

Mish Shedlock

Morgan Harper

Moriah Costa

Nancy Lazar

Nate Silver

Neil Howe

Niall Kishtainy

Nicholas Callais

Nick Bilton

Nick Timiraos

Nigel Farage

Nomi Prins

Noreena Hertz

Oliver Harvey

Orville Schell

Paul Schulte

Pedro da Costa

Perianne Boring

Peter Zeihan

Pippa Malmgren

R.P. Eddy

Rachel Ziemba

Rana Foroohar

Rand Paul

Rasheed Hammouda

Rashique Rahman

Robby Soave

Robert Johnson

Ross Douthat

Ruchir Sharma

Rui de Figueiredo

Rupert Harrison

Ryan Dezember

Ryan Gingeras

Saagar Enjeti

Samuel Charap

Sara Fagen

Sarah Quinn

Scott Gottlieb

Sebastian Purcell

Seth Bannon

Seth Hertlein

Soner Cagaptay

Stephen Cohen

Stephen Walt

Steve Bannon

Steve Feinberg

Steve Keen

Steve Kornacki

Steven Bavaria

Stewart Patrick

Suriya Jayanti

Taylor Fravel

Tayyip Erdogan

Thomas Mayer

Tim Higgins

Tim Marshall

Tom Burgis

Tom Emmer

Tom Kalil

Tom Miller

Tony Fratto

Tony Stich

Tracy Shuchart

Victor Shih

Vijay Boyapati

Virginia Garrard-Burnett

Vivek Ramaswamy

Walt Bogdanich

Weston Nakamura

William Bernstein

William Cohan

William Strauss

Worth Wray

Yaron Brook