Freya Beamish

Freya Beamish

Formal First Name

Freya Beamish is the Chief Asia Economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, an independent research firm based in England. She has several years of experience in covering the global economy, with a particular focus on China, Japan, and Korea. While her focus is on Asia, Beamish takes a global approach to economics. She identifies forces outside Asia that have the potential to cause catalyze trends in the economies she covers. This integrated approach enabled her to call crucial shifts such as the bubble in Asian credit markets in 2013 before the U.S. taper-tantrum.

Professional Experience

Academic History

  • Beamish's experience covering China allows her to produce her own indicators and build a coherent picture of the economy.
  • She also looks deep into the financial and monetary data to highlight key turning points to investors.
  • She predicted the Bank of Japan's move to yield curve-targeting in 2016.
  • She highlights key systemic fragilities in the Japanese banking system.
  • At Lombard Street Research, she delivered Research on Asia and the Global economy for over five years.
  • She speaks Mandarin, having lived in Beijing for over a year.
  • She was based in Hong Kong from 2011 to 2015.
  • She has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.