

Middle Kingdom
Location Type
Parent Location

China (The People's Republic of China) is a country in Asia


Aletheia Capital
Atlas Organization
CSOP Asset Management
Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy
China Beige Book
Chinus Asset Management
Enodo Economics
Guinness Asset Management
J Capital Research
Peterson Institute for International Economics
Polarwide Ltd.
Rayliant Global Advisors
Simon Hunt Strategic Services
U.S. Global Investors
Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF


Chinese Credit Bubble
G20 Summit
Trump Trade Wars
World War 1
World War 2


Anne Stevenson-Yang
Bradford van Voorhees
Carl Walter
Carson Block
Charles Mautz
Chris Balding
Christine Duhaime
Daniel Markey
Diana Choyleva
Ding Chen
Dinny McMahon
Elaine Ly
Eric Lee
Erik Bethel
Fraser Howie
Freya Beamish
George Jiang
George Magnus
Graham Allison
Ho-Fung Hung
Ian Easton
James Mulvenon
Jason Hsu
Jay Chen
Jonathan Krane
Jonathan Ward
Joseph Cheng
Kyle Bass
Leland Miller
Liqian Ren
Liz Economy
Loretta Napoleoni
Maj Soueidan
Matt Hu
Matt Pottinger
Michael Beckley
Michael Pettis
Mike Forsythe
Noel Quinn
Orville Schell
Perth Tolle
Rachel Ziemba
Rana Foroohar
Robert Spalding
Simon Hunt
Stephen Roach
Taylor Fravel
Tom Miller
Victor Shih
Xi Jinping


A Bull in China
After Normal
By All Means Necessary
Can We Avoid Another Financial Crisis?
China's Asian Dream
China's Urban Billion
China's Vision of Victory
Doing Business In China for Dummies
Economic Shocks and Authoritarian Stability
Factions and Finance in China
Gavekal Dragonomics
Gavekal Fathom China
Out of the Gobi
Privatizing China
Red Capitalism
Red Flags
Rogue Economics
Stephen Roach on the Next Asia
The American Phoenix
The Best Investment Writing
The Bill from the China Shop
The Diff
The J Curve
The Mr. X Interviews: Volume 2
The Next 100 Years
The Next Decade
The Origins of Value
The River Runs Black
The Third Revolution
The pH Report
To Get Rich is Glorious!
Trade Wars Are Class Wars
True Wealth Opportunities: China
Zero Hour


Emerging Markets
Red Capitalism
Silk Road

  • China is the worlds largest miner and buyer of gold (circa 2018)
  • Official name is "The People's Republic of China"
  • Chinese governments typically have  a long-term plan and view (vs. shorter term in the West)
    • Longer political terms and top-down planning help influence this

China Economic Concerns

  • Growing more toward totalitarianism vs. authoritarianism (2018)
  • Poor Demographics  - shrinking working age population (2018)
    • Expected to Peak in 2020s and drop significantly into 2100
    • Workforce peaked in 2011
    • Concerns that previous economic gains were based on positive demographics
  • Heavy debt burdens (2018)
  • Faced the Mundell Fleming Trilemma from 2016 to ???
  • Government regulation is too strict
  • Limits on free speech limit innovation
  • Endless supply of cheap labor is diminishing
  • Other Asian countries can offer cheaper manufacturing
  • Banking and Shadow Banking Assets have grown $ 29Trillion in last 9 years (2018) vs $7 Trillion in GDP