Daniel Markey

Daniel Markey

Formal First Name

Dr. Daniel Markey is a Senior Advisor on South Asia at the United States Institute of Peace, where his work focuses on US-India relations, regional relations, and China-South Asia relations. Dr. Markey is also a Senior Fellow at the Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies Foreign Policy Institute, where he was a former senior research professor in international relations. During his tenure at SAIS, he launched the Master of Arts in Global Policy degree program, and taught courses in international politics and policy. Dr. Markey has over two decades of academic, think tank, and government experience focused on international relations and U.S. policy in Asia, with a particular focus on South Asia and China’s evolving role in the region. Previously, he was a senior fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations. In addition, Dr. Markey is the author of numerous books, reports, articles, book chapters, and opinion pieces. His commentary has been featured in U.S. and international media, and he has testified before the Commission.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • He was a member of the U.S. State Department's Policy Planning Staff, where he focused on U.S. strategy in South Asia, especially Pakistan and India.

  • He taught in the Department of Politics at Princeton, and served as executive director of Princeton's Research Program in International Security.

  • Earlier, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard’s Olin Institute for Strategic Studies.


  • China's Western Horizon: Beijing and the New Geopolitics of Eurasia (2020)

  • Reorienting U.S. Pakistan Strategy: From Af-Pak to Asia (2014)

  • No Exit from Pakistan: America's Tortured Relationship with Islamabad (2013)

  • Climate Change and National Security: A Country-Level Analysis (2011)

  • Managing Instability on China's Periphery (Co-author, 2011)

  • Beyond Bind Laden: America and the Future of Terror (Co-author, 2011)

  • U.S. Strategy for Pakistan and Afghanistan (Co-author, 2010)