Johns Hopkins University is an American private university founded in 1876. It was named after its first benefactor, Johns Hopkins. It paved way among higher education institutions by being the first research university in the U.S., and today, it allocates more money into research than any other academic institutions. Johns Hopkins takes pride on 27 Nobel laureates.
Associated People
2015 - present
- 2004
2018 - present
1969 - present
2016 - 2018
2016 - 2018
2016 - 2018
2005 - 2009
2006 - 2008
1996 - 1999
1997 - 1999
1996 - 1998
1994 - 1998
1992 - 1994
1992 - 1993
1992 - 1993
1990 - 1992
1988 - 1992
- 1986
1979 - 1982
1977 - 1981
- 1892