Trade Wars Are Class Wars

Trade Wars Are Class Wars

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Trade Wars Are Class Wars: How Rising Inequality Distorts the Global Economy and Threatens International Peace

Trade Wars Are Class Wars is a captivating look at how today’s trade conflicts are caused by governments promoting the interests of elites at the expense of workers. It shows how these trade disputes are often the unexpected consequence of domestic political choices to serve the interests of the rich at the expense of ordinary people. It traces the origins of today’s trade wars to decisions made by politicians and business leaders in China, Europe, and the United States over the past thirty years. Trade Wars Are Class Wars provides a cohesive account that shows how the class wars of rising inequality are a threat to the global economy and international peace—and what we can do about it.

Trade Wars are Class Wars is a must-read from two of the most astute commentators on the global economy. Klein and Pettis offer an essential analysis of how domestic inequality and international conflict are interlinked and provide an answer to the crisis of globalization.”

Adam Tooze, author of Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World

“An erudite, original, and provocative explanation of the global economic imbalances that have been at the root of numerous financial crises.”

Ernesto Zedillo, Director of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization


"This is a book that everyone concerned with the global economy should read. A fascinating account of the damage that rising inequality—especially in China and Germany—has done to all our economies"

Dani Rodrik, Harvard University