Enodo Economics

Enodo Economics

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Founding Date

Enodo Economics is an independent macroeconomic, political, and geopolitical forecasting company that focuses on China and its global impact. The firm believes that China is one of the most misunderstood economies in the world, but one of the most important to figure out. Enodo untangles complexity, challenges the consensus, and makes sense of the future to present clear conclusions to guide your investment, business and policy decisions. Enodo Economics was founded by Diana Choyleva, a globally respected economist and analyst, who has been forecasting developments in China and beyond since 2000.


  • Enodo Economics offers in-depth analysis of global economic trends and provides forecasts into economic indicators such as GDP growth, inflation, trade dynamics, and monetary policy.

  • The firm also covers geopolitical developments and their implications for economic trends, particularly in relation to China's role in global geopolitics and its impact on international markets.

  • Enodo Economics has over 215 years of combined experience, covering China's economy and politics, and are based around the world from London to Sofia to Hong Kong.

  • The firm advises asset managers who invest a total of more than 10 trillion dollars of assets under management and are spread around five continents. 


  • Enodo Insight. 

Regular reports that will help you navigate China’s economic, financial market, political and geopolitical developments. 

  • Enodo Untangled. 

Deep-dive analysis of China, providing you with big picture strategic advice on its economic, financial and political outlook and the implications for the rest of the world.

  • Enodo QuickTake. 

A short update to a view or their quick reaction to a topical event.

  • Enodo Webinars. 

Client webinars where Diana Choyleva will present her current views and answer questions. 

Their specialized service that will help you understand the ever-evolving risk of Chinese military action against Taiwan and potential US involvement.

A chart-based publication where we present their economic and financial forecasts for the coming 12-18 months.