The Next 100 Years

The Next 100 Years

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The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century

The Next 100 Years is a fascinating, eye-opening, and often shocking look at what lies ahead for the U.S. and the world. Positing that civilization is at the dawn of a new era, this book offers a lucid, highly readable forecast of the changes we can expect around the world during the 21st century. Riveting reading from first to last, The Next 100 Years is a fascinating exploration of what the future holds for all of us. For example, China’s role as a world power will diminish; Mexico will become an important force on the geopolitical stage, and new technologies and cultural trends will radically alter the way we live and fight wars.

“Expect the unexpected. . . . He can see without the crystal ball.”


“Barron’s consistently has found Stratfor’s insights informative and largely on the money—as has the company’s large client base, which ranges from corporations to media outlets and government agencies.”


“There is a temptation, when you are around George Friedman, to treat him like a Magic 8-Ball.”

New York Times Magazine

"Predictions have made George Friedman a hot property these days."

The Wall Street Journal