China's Asian Dream

China's Asian Dream

Full Name
China's Asian Dream: Empire Building along the New Silk Road

From holding its ground in trade wars with the US to presenting itself as a world leader in the fight against climate change, a newly confident China is flexing its economic muscles for strategic ends. With the Belt and Road initiative, billed as a new Silk Road for the 21st Century, China is set to extend its influence throughout Eurasia and across the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean. Combining a geopolitical overview with on-the-ground reportage from a dozen countries, China’s Asian Dream engages with the most recent developments in the ongoing story of China’s ascendency and offers new insights into what the rise of China means not only for Asia, but for the world.

“Understanding the philosophy behind China’s national aspirations will be a defining task of  twenty-first-century diplomacy. In that vein, China’s Asian Dream will prove essential reading.”

— Wall Street Journal

“An indispensable guide to the vision, personalities, institutions, and methods that underpin the emergence of the next superpower. Brimming with telling insights and arresting stories, China’s Asian Dream really hits the ball out of the park.”

— James Kynge Financial Times

“Chinese people are proud of their country’s economic renaissance but baffled by its dearth of friends. . . . Under President Xi Jinping, the People’s Republic is moving to right that imbalance, using a mix of economic blandishments and shows of military strength. In China’s Asian Dream: Empire Building along the New Silk Road Miller lays out how the enterprise is supposed to work—and why it might not.”

— Reuters

“Superbly organized. . . . Miller deftly combines the plethora of data points and statistics with vivid local color.”

— South China Morning Post

“As a snapshot of China’s relations with its neighbors . . . this book is highly recommended.”

— Business Tianjin

“With a deft turn of phrase, Miller turns what could be a dry topic into a great read.”

— Splash 24/7

“A terrific combination of data and pavement-pounding local investigation, with discussions between academics, market traders and officials from Laos to India.”

— Hong Kong Review of Books

“An essential resource to understanding the thinking behind the Belt and Road Initiative.”

— SupChina

“A crisp, well-researched and well-written account. Miller has travelled extensively throughout Asia and across China’s maritime periphery. His is a uniquely well-informed view of the opportunities, and the huge risks, of China’s bold ambitions in the region.”

— Kerry Brown, author of China and the New Maoists

“This is a book about power, money, and sought-after love. A must-read for those interested in whether President Xi’s reincarnated ‘silk road’ will succeed in restoring the grandeur of the middle kingdom.”

— Yukon Huang, former World Bank director for China

“In this vividly observed account from the front lines, Miller charts the reality of China’s growing power through the eyes of its neighbors. One of the best accounts we have of what China’s rise really means for the world.”

— Hugh White, author of The China Choice

“Miller tackles the central question of our time: whether China can translate its economic power into geopolitical clout, and execute its breathtaking plan to dominate its Asian neighbours. For Xi Jinping, this is nothing less than a return to the natural order which prevailed until the nineteenth century. For the rest of us, it threatens to turn the old world dominated by the West upside down.”

— Richard McGregor, author of The Party: The Secret World of China's Communist Rulers 

“'Excellent. . . . Miller has voyaged around China’s periphery [and] his long experience of analysing the Chinese economy enables him to puncture a few over-inflated myths.”

— Bill Hayton, associate fellow at Chatham House and author of South China Sea: The Struggle for Power in Asia

China's Asian Dream offers an engaging and up-to-date analysis of China's regional strategy. . . . Miller's analysis is balanced, and he succeeds in steering clear of the anti-China bias so prevalent among many Western analysts. . . . The book is useful not only to asia watchers, but also to scholars and policy makers in Africa and Latin America.”

— Oliver Stuenkel, author of Post Western World