Jonathan Ward is an internationally recognized expert on Chinese global strategy and U.S.-China competition. He is the Founder and President of the Atlas Organization, a consultancy focused on US-China global competition. He leads Atlas in helping companies and financial institutions understand the U.S.-China global competition, improve their risk assessments on China, and build new global strategies that can withstand historic geopolitical change. He has also consulted for the U.S. Department of Defense on Chinese long-term strategy and for leading Fortune 500 corporations on U.S.-China global competition. Ward is the author of The Decisive Decade and China's Vision of Victory. He is a frequently invited speaker for government, military, business, and financial audiences.
Jonathan Ward Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Keynote Speaker, Leading Authorities
Keynote Speaker, London Speaker Bureau
Stephen M. Kellen Term Member, Council on Foreign Relations
As a subject matter expert, he has been an advisor to the US Department of Defense on Chinese long-term strategy.
He has briefed US government audiences including at US Strategic Command, US Indo-Pacific Command, the US Department of Commerce, the US Defense Intelligence Agency, and the Strategy Division of the US Naval Staff.
He has briefed numerous government agencies as well as leading American companies in the defense, aerospace, technology, financial services, telecommunications, automotive, and industrial sectors on Chinese strategy and U.S.-China competition.
Ward has been studying Russia, China, and India for nearly twenty years since his undergraduate days in Russian and Chinese language at Columbia University.
His experience in Asia includes traveling across Tibet in truck caravans, crossing the South China Sea by cargo ship, and gaining access to Communist Party diplomatic archives in Beijing which have now been closed to the world.
He had lived and traveled globally for over a decade in China, India, Russia, Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East. He speaks Chinese, Russian, Spanish, and Arabic.
China’s Vision of Victory is an essential guide to the global grand strategy of the Chinese government which has been widely read in US government and national security circles, as well as by numerous audiences in business and finance.
The Financial Times called China’s Vision of Victory “one of the first books to make the explicit argument for containment of China by the west” and the National Interest described it as “primed to serve as a defining pocket guide for Washington’s new cold warriors in the years to come.”
His work on China was publicly commended at the White House during the signing ceremony of the US-China Phase One Trade Deal.
Prior to founding Atlas, Dr. Ward consulted on geostrategic issues for Oxford Analytica, the UK's leading political risk consultancy.
He was also the Founding Chair of the Young Professionals Network at the Energy Institute - Southwest and South Wales.
He was also a Next Generation National Security Leaders Program at the Center for a New American Security.
His commentary on Chinese grand strategy and on U.S.-China relations has been featured in numerous media outlets including CNBC, CNN, Forbes, Fox Business, Fox, MSNBC, Bloomberg, The Financial Times, Forbes, The Street, Newsweek, National Review and The National Interest.
He is a frequent invited speaker for public and private audiences in the United States, Europe, and Asia, on strategic issues pertaining to China, India, the Indian Ocean, and the Indo-Pacific Region.
He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.