George Jiang is the Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Greenwoods Asset Management, an investment management firm focused on Greater China equities. Under his leadership, the firm’s flagship equity long/short fund “Golden China Fund” has received various awards both domestically and globally. Today, Golden China Fund is one of the largest China long/short equities funds in the world. Jiang is a well recognized value investor and one of the first pioneers in China’s capital market, building a strong long-term track record for his investments in China equities.
George Jiang Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Greenwoods Asset Management employs fundamental equity, long-short equity, sector-oriented, and long-only strategies.
The firm's flagship fund has received numerous awards, including “The Best Fund in Single Country Category” by Asiahedge in October 2007, the “Best Greater China Hedge Fund” by Eurekahedge in 2013, and “Golden Bull Overseas fund award” by China Securities Journal in 2017 etc.
Golden China Fund was ranked No. 7 globally in Bloomberg performance ranking of hedge Funds with assets under management over USD 1 billion.
Jiang began his career in the listing department of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and was promoted to Head of the Bonds and Futures department in 1996.
He served as Head of Asset Management of Guosen Securities Limited, one of the largest securities firms in China.
He later went on to the University of California at Los Angeles to conduct research in finance and real estate.
Since his return from the United States in 2000, Jiang has been actively investing in Chinese equities with his personal portfolio.
Jiang has appeared or been quoted in Reuters, Bloomberg, Institutional Investor, and CNBC, among others.