Joshua Landis

Joshua Landis

Formal First Name
1957 - present

Joshua Landis is the Sandra Mackey Chair and Director of the Center for Middle East Studies and the Farzaneh Family Center for Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies at the University of Oklahoma. He has helped raise over one million dollars for a new chair in Iranian studies, and helped bring the government funded Arabic Flagship Program to OU. He also writes and manages Syria Comment, a daily newsletter on Syrian politics that attracts over 100,000 readers a month and is widely read by officials in Washington, Europe and Syria. Dr. Landis is an academic specializing in the Middle East and Syria. He travels frequently to Washington DC to consult with government agencies and speak at think tanks. He has received three Fulbright grants to support his research in Syria and won numerous prizes for his teaching. He is past President of the Syrian Studies Association.

Professional Experience

Academic History