Daniel McDowell

Daniel McDowell

Formal First Name

Daniel McDowell is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of Undergraduate Studies at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University and a 2022-23 Wilson China Fellow at the Wilson Center. His research focuses on the international politics of money and finance, with a focus on the role of the United States and China in these arenas. McDowell is the author of "Brother, Can You Spare a Billion? The United States, the IMF, and the International Lender of Last Resort," and "Bucking the Buck: US Financial Sanctions and the International Backlash Against the Dollar." He is also the author of numerous articles in top international relations journals.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • McDowell has published peer-reviewed research on  China’s efforts to internationalize the yuan.

  • He has published in International Studies Quarterly, Review of International Organizations and New Political Economy.

  • His writing has appeared in The Washington Post, Foreign Policy, The Christian-Science Monitor, and The Washington Times.