The Exponential Age

The Exponential Age

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The Exponential Age: How Accelerating Technology Is Transforming Business, Politics and Society

The Exponential Age is a bold exploration and call-to-arms over the widening gap between artificial intelligence, automation, and big data―and our ability to deal with its effects. It offers a revelatory new model for understanding how technology is changing the world. This book also offers a set of policy solutions that can prevent the growing exponential gap from destroying our societies. The result is a wholly new way to think about technology. It will transform your understanding of the economy, politics, and the future.

Praise for The Exponential Age

“Most businesses and businesses and b leaders measure and think in linear terms. Azeem Azhar understands and writes about how truly important breakthroughs take the form of exponential functions. In The Exponential Age, Azeem builds the case for exponential thinking through insightful examples of technologies that have made possible discontinuous leaps forward.”

Tom Glocer, Executive Chairman at BlueVoyant

Azeem Azhar’s The Exponential Age presents an audacious spectrum of interconnecting trends, which already profoundly impact our lives. In the book, the risks and challenges arising out of the exponentially leaping technologies are masterfully balanced with opportunities and proposed policy actions. The book is an essential read for leaders and enthusiasts who care about the better future for all.”

Giedrimas Jeglinskas, Assistant Secretary General at NATO

Azeem Azhar is that rare thing: a thought-leader who has also been a tech founder. The combination of big-picture vision and real tech experience shines through in this unmissable book.”

Stian Westlake, Chief Executive at Royal Statistical Society

Azeem Azhar is a globally recognized voice on technology and its impact. He has written a fascinating and important book. It’s required reading for anyone seeking to understand the new e onomy and the massive global corporations that seek to dominate that e onomy.”

Matthew Taylor, CEO of the RSA

“Azeem's kinetic mind is uniquely able to connect social, political, economic and technological trends in ways that inspire and challenge. The Exponential Age is a natural extension and expansion of Azeem's unique ability, on display in his podcast and newsletter, of isolating, unpicking and retying the threads which make up the fabric of our technosociety.”

― Carly Kind, Director at Ada Lovelace Institute

“You will be exponentially smarter after having read Azeem Azhar’s book.”

Laure Claire Reillier, Co-Founder of Launchworks & Co

“A much-needed manual for unlocking opportunities and overcoming vertigo in a world that seems to be spinning out of control. Azeem Azhar, a genius networker, proves to be a brilliant guide to our intensely networked age.” 

Kevin Werbach, Professor at Wharton School