Paradigm Press

Paradigm Press

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Paradigm Press is a leading, independent financial powerhouse that serves as your one-stop destination for building and protecting your wealth. The publishing company has assembled a team of the world’s top investment analysts, economists, entrepreneurs, options traders and technology futurists who have consistently delivered accurate predictions. Paradigm Press provides independent economic commentary, analysis, and education through print and online publications, videos, online seminars, conference calls, and more.



  • In 2002, they predicted a rally in gold. A year later, the precious metal was 50% higher.

  • In 2008, they saw the housing bubble was on the brink of collapse. The specific strategy their team recommended led to gains of up to 462%. 

  • In 2016, their CIA “insider” said Britain would leave the European Union and Donald Trump would win the U.S. presidency. People called him crazy… but history proved him right.

  • In 2017, their cryptocurrency pioneer predicted a huge run-up in Bitcoin — then watched as it soared as much as 456% 

  • In 2022, their team foresaw the end of the bull market… urging readers to take profits — and to start cashing in on falling stocks.