Michael Lewitt is widely recognized as one of the top credit strategists in the world. He is the author of The Credit Strategist, a widely-acclaimed newsletter that covers economics, politics and the financial markets that has influenced many of the world's leading investors, and manages the Third Friday Total Return Fund which ranks among the best in the hedge fund industry. Lewitt is perhaps best-known for his written market analysis and predictions. He has managed billions for institutional and high-net-worth clients and created several of the world's top-ranked credit and hedge funds over a 30-year career. He co-founded Harch Capital Management, which he has led into a successful money management business.
Michael Lewitt Professional Experience / Academic History
Professional Experience
Academic History
Lewitt co-founded Capital Management to manage the Milken family's money, as well as the Drexel Burnham Employee Partnerships, a multi-billion-dollar portfolio of private equity securities that came out of the 1980s LBO boom.
Under his leadership, HCM built up a successful money management business.
They produced strong risk-adjusted returns for clients like Omega Advisors, Investec Bank, Goldman Sachs, and multi-billion-dollar state pension funds LACERA and TRS.
He managed separate accounts, hedge funds, collateralized debt obligations and mutual funds.
He successfully invested on both the long and short sides of the debt markets during this period.
Lewitt is best-known for his written market analysis and predictions.
The New York Times published his widely read editorial about the pending bailout of AIG in 2008.
He gained recognition for accurately predicting the 2001–2002 credit market collapse and the 2008 financial crisis.
He was featured alongside Warren Buffett in the Financial Times.
In 2012, Lewitt joined Cumberland Advisors as Vice President and Portfolio Manager for a below investment grade corporate debt strategy designed for both individual and institutional investors.
He served alongside Leon Black in NYC, then Michael Milken in Beverly Hills, working on billions of dollars of MA and corporate finance transactions until the firm filed for bankruptcy in 1990
He spent two years in the tax department of Simpson Thacher Bartlett.
He has written for The New York Times, The New Republic, Trusts & Estates, and other publications.
He has contributed to Forbes, Barrons, The New Republic, El Mundo, and PBS NewsHour.
He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.