Yale University

Yale University

Entity Type
Founding Date

Chartered in 1701, Yale University is one of the world’s most prestigious, elite universities in the United States. It has the second lowest admission rate among the Ivy League schools. It offers thousands of courses in its 14 schools. The most sought-after major is History, followed by Political Science, Biology, English and Economics.

Barry Nalebuff

1989 - present

Frank Snowden

1991 - present

Paul Kennedy

1983 - present

Robert Shiller

1982 - present

Stephen Freidheim

2017 - present

Stephen Roach

2010 - present

Chris Miller

2015 - 2017

Nick Bostrom

2000 - 2002

  • Four Yale graduates signed the American Declaration of Independence, and the university has educated five US presidents: William Howard Taft, Gerald Ford, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. 
  • Twenty Yale alumni have won Nobel prizes, including economist Paul Krugman, while 32 have won the Pulitzer Prize.
  • Other notable alumni include US secretaries of state Hillary Clinton, 19 U.S. Supreme Court Justices, Morgan Stanley founder Harold Stanley, billionaire Blackstone Group founder Stephen A. Schwarzman, Boeing and United Airlines founder William Boeing, FedEx founder Frederick W. Smith, 23andMe founder Anne Wojcicki, and Pinterest cofounder and CEO Ben Silbermann, John Kerry, and actress Meryl Streep.