Harald Malmgren

Harald Malmgren

Formal First Name

Dr. Harald Malmgren is a world-renowned economist and financial, geopolitical, and geosecurity strategist. He is a recognized expert on world trade and investment flows and is identified as one of the 100 most influential geopolitical experts in the world. Since 1977, Dr. Malmgren has been an adviser and strategist for international corporations, banks, investment banks, and sovereign wealth funds. He has also advised finance ministers and prime ministers of a number of governments around the world. Throughout his career in academia and public and private sectors, he has continued writing on economics, markets, and public policy.

Professional Experience

Academic History

  • Under President Johnson, Dr. Malmgren became the first Assistant US Trade Representative.
  • He authored International Economic Peacekeeping, a guide for negotiations on trade liberalization during the 1970s and 1980s.
  • He served as a senior adviser to President Nixon on foreign economic policies.
  • President Nixon subsequently appointed him the Principal Deputy US Trade Representative, with the rank of Ambassador.
  • He served Presidents Nixon and Ford as the US chief trade negotiator.
  • As a research associate, he worked with the Nobel Prize winner Thomas Schelling and completed his Ph.D. with summa cum laude. 
  • He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.