Aniket Shah

Aniket Shah

Formal First Name

Aniket Shah is the Head of Sustainability and ESG Research, Americas at UBS. He is a distinguished practitioner in the sustainable finance space and has spent his career at the intersection of public policy, global finance, and academia. Shah devoted nearly a decade to leading development finance initiatives around the world. His work spans investment banking, asset management, macroeconomic research, and policy advice. While doing this, Shah has worked in over 30 countries. He is also a lead researcher for various publications on economic and financial development.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • Shah is a Senior Fellow at the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment.
  • He is Senior Advisor for Sustainable Finance at the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.
  • He is the International Treasurer of Amnesty International. 
  • He is a member of the Young Professional Board of the International Rescue Committee
  • He is a member of the National Council of World Wildlife Fund USA and The Economic Club of New York.
  • He is on the Board of Directors of Shared-Interest and the Deer Iland Corporation



  • He is the Lead Author of the report titled Africa and the United States: A Defining Relationship of the 21st Century, a collaborative study between Investec Asset Management and the US Chamber of Commerce.
  • He is the Co-Editor of Learning from the World: New Ideas to Redevelop America.
  • He is a frequent contributor to Institutional Investor’s Global Market Thought Leadership series, where he writes on asset allocation topics for investors globally.
  • He has published books, reports, and articles on a variety of topics pertaining to sustainable development and financial markets.
  • He was a finalist for the Rhodes Scholarship and won various academic and leadership awards at Yale. 
  • He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.